My associates have led me to believe that you can offer expert shipwrights that will be able to assist our engineering staff in the construction of a certain starship my guys assure me can be built.
On account of the Zoners at Freeport 12 being more geared to smaller civilian ships, our attempt at hiring local has failed miserably and we now turn to the people who make actual warships for a living.
If you're interested, we're in the business of constructing a mobile service and production facility, and would like to hire technical expertise that can keep its mouth shut.
If you're wondering who we are, we are a group of like-minded pilots and captains using unified paperwork to avoid the hassle. We won't give you trouble if you don't give us trouble, that kind of deal. I understand Willow helped you out with some errands in the past, and Anton says you're quite all right, so when I thought of who I could sound out for assistance, you were at the top of the list of people to be considered trustworthy and results-getting.
To: The League From: Vulkan, der Alster Union. Subject: A hole in time.
A mobile service and production facility. A million-tonne factory with fission reactors large enough to push it into mobility, is not a simple task, Miss Brooks. We can create what you demand, but in return, we would request an equivalent exchange of technology and materials.
It is our nature to tailor our demands on our customers according to our needs, and according to our customer’s specialisations. In your case, technology.
Particularly jump drives, which we have difficulty obtaining for ourselves. We’re looking for two types; the variety capable of jumping entire fleets of vessels with continuous feeds of MOX vessels, and the type capable of jumping solo battleships through N-variational spacetime. Provide us with one example of each, and I will move your steel.
Provide us with this, and you will have the full attention of our exotic design board. You will have our flying forge, in exchange for our wings. Apollo for Hephaestus, as it were.
First contact representative and Diplomat-in-Chief of der Alster Union, Pacifica Base, Bering.
Transmission Ended
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Incoming Transmission Sender:E. Carpenter Encryption:TITAN-Proof Subject:Gimme the Keys (and I'll drive you crazy)
And that's my cue. Hi, I'm the League's Bursar, and I head up that kind of stuff.
Senior Staff is pleased to inform you that we have such devices on hand; indeed we can deliver them to Pacifica within minutes right now.
I must advise you that with the advent of the new mass-produced Batteries, every now formerly MOX-fueled Drive can only accept them, no rollbacks, no nothing. So you, like us and everyone else operating these, are stuck using the expensive batteries.
The Series II and the Series IV are awaiting pickup now, stowed on the Mad Brick.
Until we meet again.
E. Carpenter Bursar
Senior Staff
(01-15-2018, 08:58 AM)The League Wrote: As long as your questions, comments, or concerns are presented, they will be addressed.
If you believe that you have been wronged by one of our guys, contact us for it to be redressed.
If you are a hot chick, kindly show up to our parties undressed.
To: The League From: Vulkan, der Alster Union. Subject: A hole in time.
Excellent, we can have a Unioner available for pickup immediately.
We are quite excited by the prospect of abducting entire elements of the liberty navy and spitting them out into the cosmic equivalent of hell. We have quite a few systems of operation in our operating theatres that the Liberty Navy would find most incommodious. Consider our fancies tickled.
First contact representative and Diplomat-in-Chief of der Alster Union, Pacifica Base, Bering.
Transmission Ended
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Incoming Transmission Sender:E. Carpenter Encryption:TITAN-Proof Subject:Gimme the Keys (and I'll drive you crazy)
The Mad Brick is on its way to New Providence now. Instruct your appointed to make ready.
E. Carpenter Bursar
Senior Staff
(01-15-2018, 08:58 AM)The League Wrote: As long as your questions, comments, or concerns are presented, they will be addressed.
If you believe that you have been wronged by one of our guys, contact us for it to be redressed.
If you are a hot chick, kindly show up to our parties undressed.