Comm ID:Kaisho-ho HAYASHIMURA, Kiyoko Recipient:Admiralty Circle Topic:Lost Man Found
I find the need to inform you of an interesting, yet important incident that occurred to me a couple days ago, and as such, I had to cut my vacation short and return to active duty.
On Tuesday the 6th of February, during an off-duty flight, I came in contact with a Kusarian individual in the Kyushu system. The name might ring a few bells for you; Yamada Shouzou, a former Imperial Guard commander in the Naval Forces. Presumed K.I.A after operation 'Kumo no Ami' conducted by a joint force of KNF and KNI agents.
Yamada Shouzou had refused to comply with my demands to be apprehended at the nearest Naval Forces facility and as such he was taken down by Santo-Kaisa Kobayakawa Yuji under command of Kaisho-ho Yamamoto Kaori and taken back to Battleship Hyono for tests and interrogation by the 66th.
And this is where it gets interesting; while fortunately, the individual tested negative for any signs of alien infection, he was positive on Cardamine. Traces of Cardamine were found in his body, which leads us to believe that Yamada Shouzou has become an addict after his disappearance in the Omicrons. Results of his interrogation so far haven't been as fruitful, Shouzou so far has refused to comply and efforts to extract more information and whether he has come in contact with any other surviving members from the operation are still ongoing. So far, we can confirm that the individual had been spending his life after the operation in hiding within the Edge Nebulae, but that's all there is to it for the time being.
Awaiting your answers.
Power in Unity,
Hayashimura Kiyoko, Kaisho-ho
CO 66th Special Expeditionary Division
5FLT, Kusari Naval Forces
Sender ID: Yamamoto, K.
Receiver ID: Board of Admirals, Kusari Naval Forces
Priority:Medium Subject: Re: Lost man found
Kaisho-ho Hayashimura,
while I had and have resentments towards when and how this incarceration has been conducted, these new revelations change things.
I have read up on operation Kumo no Ami and the presumed ill fate it was plagued with. Considering the lack of any confirmed intel about what went down on the other side of the anomaly, whether the mission objectives have been reliably achieved and of course the question of what happened to the friendly units, re-establishing contact with a confirmed surviving participant of the incursion should generally be quite relieving news. The circumstances under which Yamada has been met and his very apparent refusal to cooperate on the other hand raise concern.
Considering this I urge to approach the situation very carefully and would also advise to not come to any foregone conclusions. We know next to nothing about the aftermath of Kumo no Ami, concerning the whole of the KNF strike force as well as Yamadas individual fate. For the moment he is our only chance to connect the dots regarding the events that went down while at the same time being a possible risk factor for the operations of the Naval Forces as well as the house of Kusari as a whole – whether intentional or not.
Thus continuing the efforts to get answers out of this man and trying to reconstruct fate of the operation and his path leading up until now should stay highest priority. It should be kept in mind though that something greater could have been going on in the background, forcing him to stay out of contact for at least part of the time since Kumo no Ami.
Yamada's insinstence on being unapprehend as well as his continued unwillingness might also hint at an inherent mental instability caused by the events in the Edge Worlds, an addiction to Cardamine especially with someone like a former member of the guard being both a proof for this as well as an amplifying factor. This should be kept in mind and future interrogations should be conducted with appropriate sensibility. Finding answers should be first, after all. Only then is it wise to think about judicial apprehension and, depending on what we can find out, keeping Yamada in custody.
Yamamoto Kaori
Kusari Naval Forces
Squished bigly ~Champ- Thanks, you're a champ. "What's the word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is all right?"
By the mandate granted to the Tokkeitai so that it serves as the eyes of Ministry of defense, and by extension, House Kusari's political body as well as its people,
The Tokkeitai takes charge of this case, and acknowledges the efforts made by officers mentioned in the original report, that lead to the subject capture for questioning, even though it was deemed as likely some facts may have been deliberately hidden by some involved individuals.
Consequently, and to remove any ambiguity regarding this case : - Interrogation of the prisoner, designated by the full-name Yamada Shouzou, shall be conducted by elements of the Tokkeitai from this point. It is advised to cease any questioning being performed until the subject can be transferred.
- Tokkeitai personnel will be arriving on Battleship Hyono within the next hour to take charge of the prisoner, so that the subject can be transferred where proper questioning can be performed.
- Kusari Naval Forces Admiralty can as of now consider this case as resolved. The following investigation will fall under Tokkeitai's exclusive jurisdiction. Naturally, if necessary, the Admiralty may send a request to the Ministry of Defense so that its members can be granted access to parts of the investigation files collated during the assessment period.
Lastly, the Tokkeitai is ordering Hayashimura Kiyoko, Rear-Admiral, and Yamamoto Kaori, Rear-Admiral, to make themselves available for questioning on Battleship Hyono, Honshu system, within the next twelve hours.