Sender ID : George Black Recipient ID : Valetta Shipyard Subject : Dry dock
Greetings to whoever takes care of this things.
First, let me introduce myself. My name is George Black, I'm a scientist and an engineer but most importantly the founder and the representative of the Hansa. You ask yourself what
The Hansa is. Let me tell you, The Hansa is a group of Traders, Escorts, Miners and Scientists who combined their forces for a better tomorrow of an average fella.
With Hansa's economy growing on daily bases we continue to expand our market. That is why I'm talking to you right now.
My men fly big vessels and haul precious cargo, all from Military Salvage to Cryo Organisms.
That is why I have a favour to ask for, I request if vessels tagged with "H)-" could from now on have access to all the Outcast bases around, Malta most importantly.
A small thing that might bother you is our ID and Reputation. We possess Orbital Spa and Cruise IDs, that is why we appear hostile to you but we most certainly are not.
I know you wonder, what will your reward be. I can ensure you that as soon as we get access to your best Cardamine you will be granted a large number of Slaves coming your way straight from Pittsburg.
If that isn't a good enough price for you, I will let you pick a cloak of any type that you will receive as soon as we set foot on Malta.
All that I ask for is a dry dock. I will be located in Bering waiting for your answer.
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George Black / National Council affiliates,
I'm going to start this off by stating that direct administration of Maltese-based installations lies with oft-absent National Council-appointed officials at this time.
Cooperation is not something the children of Malta are fully against, however the simple acceptance of your offer at pure face value isn't going to happen. Though the famiglia of Amalfi have a past and very loose affiliation with OS&C through their now defunct subsidiary company Sirius Postal Service, the larger corporate tree is not one that truly holds Malta's best interests in mind. To briefly touch upon specifics: a few years ago, SPS provided support for the tau-liberty Cardamine trade route by means of a midway storage outpost, as well as the occasional haulage vessel to the cause. Though it did not have a drastic effect on the trade, the mere fact that some facets of OS&C proved to be trustworthy in this venture indicates that there may be others among the organization that are also likewise capable of seeing the light of reason.
I would advise whichever NC official ends up handling this communique keep this past positive affiliation in mind when considering this offer, as well as the overall security of Malta, as is your position's mandate.
--R&D Division Chief & Senior Agent,
Harry Callahan
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
To: George Black From: Oranos | National Council Subject: Hansa contact
To George Black,
This came as quite some surprise, while I wouldn't really think that a large tourist base upon Maltas lands is something that most familia here would take too kindly too. Mainly because most of them here haven't exactly invested within tourism development. While Orbital Spa and Cruise haven't taken active hostile action against the forces of Malta and we identify that it may or may have not spawned from activity that most militant or opportunistic of our nation take, albeit we shall put those aside for now as I'm guessing you have.
Most of the members have some pleasing responses to you import of 'workers' as you so put it, while I generally disapprove of such action it is something to which I understand that many here need for the current continuation of the economy and other factors. Although many here are obviously wishing for the export of our planets cardamine product, this is something we require from most of our third party merchants to obtain for trading purposes, many groups across sirius and our profitable platnations will be happy of your services.
Obviously we can't give you access to all stations across the Maltese territories for security reasons, so we will generate a list of allowed installations that you should be able to access. We will respond shortly on those matters, but rest assured that we are interested.
- Oranos Atlantis Manufacturing PLC
National Council of Malta | National Council member
Sender ID : George Black Recipient ID : Valetta Shipyard Subject : Dry dock
First off all thank you for such a quick reply. Now let’s continue from where we left off.
Dear mister Callahan,
I have mentioned it before and I will mention it again. Don't let our reputation fool you, our vessels might have OS&C Reputation but we do not take hostile actions against many who appear "hostile" on our scanners. I understand your concerns, I understand that you might not consider us trustworthy but if there is anything that we can do to prove ourselves wort of your trust, then be sure to name the requirement. Perhaps you seek some basic supplies or maybe you wish for a large supply of Military Salvage. Perhaps there is a project you want help with. Hansa will be happy to accept any of your "missions". At the end of the day, we only seek friendships and allays. We are looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Greetings "Oranos".
We are happy to see you interested. As it is about docking rights... The more bases we have access to the better. Of course, you can not grant us access to all of them since some of them are highly restricted. The two that will be the most useful to us are Valetta Shipyard and Planet Malta. However, I see you are not too happy with the deal I offered. We are open to suggestions. Our offer is on the table and we are willing to change anything that National Council wants. Name the price and we shall pay it. We hope that you are going to be glad about what we come up at the end.