After about a year of playing I finally decided to make an account here. I have to admit though that I'm not a fan of forums in general - so I think I'll prefere the roleplay on the server. But...maybe I'll get used to this forum so I hope this might be the first step.
Thank you all for the great time here on the server!
PS: Am I supposed to have just one account or one account per character here on the forum?
One forum account is fine for general use, you don't need one for each ship. If you want more than one, that is fine too. For example, it's common to see people use accounts for their faction or "RP alts" for certain characters they want to dedicate a different forum account to. It's optional.
Howdy hey, and welcome to the world of Forumlancing! This here is my one and only account, though some folks prefer to have a secondary account for better keeping track of/cataloguing their roleplaying posts. The choice is entirely yours as it is completely optional!
Since you've been around for a year in-game already, I'm sure you've already learned a lot over time. That being said, feel free to ask for assistance or advice if you'd like, or check out the links I have in my signature for various helpful/useful information!
Thanks for the clarification and thanks for your help! I think I'll stick to one account then.
I'm sure the links will become handy when I finish writing my charakter's biography.