Your request has been denied. We cannot understand why you require a pirate vessel, when a replacement Golem would be sufficient. Your comments about parts are also of concern, and raises questions about your source of said parts. We have chosen not to pursue this line of enquiry at this time.
Ms Cross, OS&C
Your request has been flagged following further information from our colleagues in the Home Office. We have been made aware of the situation surrounding your restricted goods license, and of particular concern is your standing with the "Gallic Union". What you claim as neutrality, is seen as a significant security risk within the Ministry of Defence, and in flagrant disregard of the continued attempts to finally settle the reparations from the Gallic War.
These are not points in your favour.
At this time, we see no reason to grant access for the Karuizawa Amaterasu Liner, as there is no purpose it serves that cannot already be served by your existing liner fleet. Your application is subsequently denied.