As of yesterday, the majority of Unioner forces have deemed Harmony such a threat that they employed the use of NEMP warheads against Marshall station. Alongside this warhead detonation, the majority of the Unioner capital assets seem to be amassing in the Bering systems in preparation for total war over Bering. With this total deployment it seems they're very intent on attemping to push Harmony from it's position in southern Bering and seize total control of the system. Naturally, they're keenly after the fields of military salvage left behind and likely need those resources to maintain their fleets from damages sustained.
The worrying development of Unioners developing and deploying NEMP warheads shows that the Union has been allowed to fester for too long uncontrolled. While we had anticipated this warhead strike and build a hasty shield that absorbed most of the impact, Marshall Station is operating at less than full capacity. At this time part of our fleet has been diverted for an operation vital to our goals.
The question is, how long can this war be sustained before Union forces manage to wear down Harmony forces before we can push them from the region?
The developments against your organization are certainly something to suppress in anyway possible before it can develop into even a 3rd of what we're already dealing with down south. The Buro will provide supplies via third party shipment, the identity of these 3rd party vessels will vary depending on the type of supplies.
Specifications on the logistical supplies will be disclosed via neural net transmission by operatives within the logistics division.
You will be specifically informed as they are dispatched. In the event any supplies are compromised upon entry to Bering, the third party cloak will play its role to dissuade any connection to the Buro. Should you compromise our involvement or allow it to surface publicly - all association will cease immediately, and the Union will be your problem alone.
As far as blunt force, the Buro will conduct it's own "field tests" within the system on its own accord. The Buro will not act in defense of, nor be within the vicinity of, any Battlegroup Harmony vessels during these operations. Harmony vessels are advised to divert from our positions, and respectfully our operations will not surround Marshall Station. These operations will come and go at our discretion.
These terms are non-negotiable, your response and authentication from your superiors are necessary for this commence.
SpezialAgent K.Laurenz
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
The Buro's conditions of operation are understood and Harmony pilots will avoid any and all contact with Buro pilots operating in the Bering system. Harmony forces will make no contact in the field and likewise will not acknowledge any presence of BDM pilots within the region. My superior has given me authorization, and the terms are fully agreed.
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts Encrypted Video Transmission
.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Battlegroup Harmony .......● SENDER:-..............Spezialagent Eisner .......● LOCATION:............Planet New-Berlin .......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ █ .......● SUBJECT:..............Supply drop off
To: Battlegroup Harmony
Operator Eisner speaking, teams from Logistik-7 have noted that roughly 24-Hours ago, they made a drop off of standard food and medical supplies. It'll hopefully keep things going within the conflict zone, while it might not seem like a huge shipment, the Buro is currently relying on fast transports to prevent interception.
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts Encrypted Video Transmission
.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Battlegroup Harmony .......● SENDER:-..............Spezialagent Eisner .......● LOCATION:............Planet New-Berlin .......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ █ .......● SUBJECT:..............Supply drop off
To: Battlegroup Harmony
Operator Eisner speaking, teams from Logistik-7 just reported in to command & control. They've just completed another aid drop-off and have ensured that the supplies are on the Marshall. Compared to the last supply these are more useful on the combat fronts. They while they will lift the moral of your troops, they will certainly shatter... Or rather shoot-up the Unioners. Especially when they get close to Marshall.
Again, gut luck. Give those unioners hell, Ja?
Unmarked Munitions: [1][2]
Heavy Ammunition: [1][2]
The Direktor sends his regards and hopes that your campaign against the Unioners goes well.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Spezialagent Markus Eisner
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts, Spezialoperationsabteilung
Guten tag, As this is the first time I would have formally introduced myself, it might be a appropriate to tell you why I've taken the liberty to contact you.
I run a tertiary department within the Buro des Marinenachrichtendiensts's Kommissarat, while other logistik divisions are tasked with the menial deliveries of arms, aid and necessities; Logistik-7 is tasked with items that are harder to come by. While we do understand the means of conflict that you reside in are of territorial warfare and long-distance strikes, the edge can be given by the tools that sharpen the blade, Ja? Well, here is my proposition. While the BDM are currently doing covert supplies to help support your efforts, we're hoping to extend the 'product line' with a few key things. Hybrid cloaking devices, high powered hyperspace radar arrays, light speed jump systems and an array of salvaged weapon systems in our arsenal.
But I must warn you, these commodities come with a price tag as these things aren't cheap to build in both material and manpower... But their performance worthwhile is something that should with your tasks.
Hauptkommissar Erik Oberhauser
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts, Kommissarat, Logistik-7