I am the Admiral Vester Thayer, Admiral of the Ethereal Order Guard. My presentation is not important compared to what I will detail. I would prefer not to do that, but you do not give us the choice.
How could you? You, the house of Bretonia? How dare you send an entire fleet to seize an independent world that hasn’t asked for anything, which was a heaven before the war? And under what pretext? Because this world is supposedly a hub for smuggling and the influence of the Corsairs? I must say that I have rarely seen such a derisory pretext, as irrelevant. In any case you made us laugh. It is profoundly illogical for a war-battered army, whose home is about to be knelt down by a hundred times superior army; to invade a distant system without any strategic value, knowing that this action will have enormous consequences.
You just want to insure your back because you see that the war against Gallia is about to be lost? That's it? It is your right to save Bretonia, I admit it. Nevertheless you chose the wrong door. Did you think that Gran Canaria would welcome you nicely and that you could have planted the Bretonian flag on the highest mountain on the planet? Your war against Gallia has brought you sympathy and admiration in all over Sirius. A lot of people were ready to help you. But you fall from high. By attacking a neutral system and innocent civilians, you shame yourself and that’s the only thing that the future generations would remember of Bretonia.
An anti-bretonian coalition is formed. She is ready to defend until the end Omega-49. Because of your aggression, our Zoners allies have sent a distress call in all Sirius and that's why we're here now. Your army has only limited resources and cannot fight a war on two fronts. Because the quick victory you thought you got is henceforth gone. Instead, it is a war of attrition that will settle. Many of your soldiers will die for nothing over here. They would have been more useful elsewhere no?
It is not too late to recognize your fault, Bretonians. The Order is ready to deploy a full battlegroup that will outnumber yours in strength and numbers. Remove yourself from Omega-49 as soon as you answer to this message. We do not want to kill your men, far from it. A massacre can be avoided. If you are reasonable enough I am sure you can understand. You have triggered this crisis; the consequences are your responsibilities. You have 48 hours from now to respond to this message otherwise our forces will have already reduced yours to dust even before you could finish your breathing. It is up to you. Either you cooperate and withdraw unconditionally, or we will employ the force and we are before the Queen Carina in 48 hours.