I think that the concept is simply great. Let's face it, missiles are almost never used in Freelancer (torpedoes / CDs excluded), and they're very underpowered, uneffective and not very cheap. This mod would revolution the actual gun-centric combats, making them more balanced and funny. Let's show some love for these missile swarms, guys!
its cool, i like Frontierspace along with disco, just to say, Its admin weapons would absolutely freakin destroy discoveries, But hey discovery is superior in details.
Ah yes, By the way, not to ruin it or anything, but Discovery gets boring when you've found everything it has to offer.
Nice graphics don't make the mod. For example, I went on Plasmafire with a few friends but that soon became boring. Why? We ran out of cool sights. We saw'm all. And Plasmafire lacks the remaining aspects that make a modification. The community around it, the active (and sensible) people ingame and general maturity of the mod itself. Graphic mods hardly ever go past the vanilla story. Sure, a few factions here and there, change of system and a news letter or two, but nothing on a scale as say the upcomming Rheinland-Liberty trouble. Or the Kusari-Bretonia war.
' Wrote:Ah yes, By the way, not to ruin it or anything, but Discovery gets boring when you've found everything it has to offer.
And sadly, another one misses the entire point of Discovery ... Just here for the PvP Cam ? Discovery is for
the interaction, the roleplay, and not just the pretty bits.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Because this seems to come up a lot, I just want to go on record to say that from the server's point of view, there is not much difference between Itano Circus and vanilla Freelancer. All the effects and graphics are entirely on the client, nothing to do with what the server is actually processing. Itano Circus is no more laggy than vanilla Freelancer would be.
' Wrote:Because this seems to come up a lot, I just want to go on record to say that from the server's point of view, there is not much difference between Itano Circus and vanilla Freelancer. All the effects and graphics are entirely on the client, nothing to do with what the server is actually processing. Itano Circus is no more laggy than vanilla Freelancer would be.
correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you happen to have a LOT more missiles and other guided warheads in Itano Circus? Because for the server, it sure as hell does make a difference how many rocket-routes he has to send to the clients. you may not notice it with only 50 players, but when reaching higher numbers, it should be unplayable.
' Wrote:Ah yes, By the way, not to ruin it or anything, but Discovery gets boring when you've found everything it has to offer.
I still haven't discovered everything.. probably never will. Besides, it's the good time I can have with the players that keeps me here, not new systems or other such things.
I was talking on the system-faction-weapon-ship factor, not the server itself, hoodlum.
I also played 88 flak for a small while, but it got boring because caps had no shields and the camera was crazy shaking, but it did have a cool feature
You could buy a commodity that made you have an NPC escort fighter wing, it attacked whatever you did...