I've been working on acquiring a hyperspace matrix device, and have finally managed to find a seller. The device is connected to the ship and I have some basic ideas about how it functions, but naturally the actual purpose is to interface with what, for lack of a better term, I will call the "hyperspace sensitivity" of the Nomads, so that they may find the RV anywhere, and use it as an anchor for hyperspace travel.
This really isn't my area of expertise in physics, but as I understand, the devices create a unique hyperspace signature which for human hyperspace jump drives would be programmed into the device, but which should also be recognized by the sensory organs of a Nomad if they've been familiarized with the specific signal.
I am not entirely sure if the process of a Nomad latching onto a human hyperspace signature has ever been attempted, but from my brief study of the subject I believe it should be physically possible.
If the device requires special calibration for this purpose, I will need engineering assistance to prepare it. I may also need communicative assistance, human to Nomad so to speak, for the mindshare of the K'Hara and the "lost Mindshare" of those we call Vagrants to recognize the unique signature.
Once I've repaired some unfortunate battle damage, I'll head to Altair. Hopefully we can figure this out.