*To: Reinhardt von Ehrenberg (RM Oberkommando only)*
Herr von Ehrenberg,
I dont know if you really exist, I just heared from an old friend about you. I am contacting you today, because I encountered something in the Omega 3 system: It was a Kusari Naval Forces Wyvern near Freeport 1. I'm not sure why he flew there, but I am sure this is a case for you and your agency, probably the BDM too. I will attach some Guncamshots below, as well as my vocal records. I hope we can keep the situation in the Omegas as calm as possible, so that I can do the deliveries of Gold Ore, which are ordered by the Museum für Archeologie on Neu Berlin, without interruptions.
[18.03.2019 19:19:49] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: Oh wow
[18.03.2019 19:19:59] Forlorn|-Carrie.N: Well, times change. Last time I've been out here in space, the Gwent was still around.
[18.03.2019 19:20:00] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: Hi Jake.
[18.03.2019 19:20:01] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: ?: Well, we are not involved in this Kusarian - Rheinland war.
[18.03.2019 19:20:04] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: Guten Abend Herrschaften und Damen!
[18.03.2019 19:20:13] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: ?: Nabend
[18.03.2019 19:20:30] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: I'm quite surprized...
[18.03.2019 19:20:37] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: And what are you involved in then, if I can ask, Schrott?
[18.03.2019 19:20:37] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: ?: That's... a big shippi.
[18.03.2019 19:21:22] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: ?: Well you know, working on removing this debris fields in New Berlin, Bering and so on, while also supporting Rheinland -
[18.03.2019 19:21:32] Amenhotep: Asmodeus: Doctor, good day.
[18.03.2019 19:21:34] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: corporations with various tasks.
[18.03.2019 19:21:36] Dr.James.Erzie: Hello.
[18.03.2019 19:21:40] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: I see.
[18.03.2019 19:21:56] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: Shooting one or two Hogoshans too at times?
[18.03.2019 19:22:02] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: I mean I wouldn't blame you.
[18.03.2019 19:22:07] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: They can be pretty annoying.
[18.03.2019 19:22:07] Amenhotep: A: Kusari Naval Forces, what an odd sight here in the Omegas.
[18.03.2019 19:22:09] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: Dr Erzie, do you know since when the Naval Marine comes down here?
[18.03.2019 19:22:27] Forlorn|-Carrie.N: They think you're a Marine.
[18.03.2019 19:22:29] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: ?: Maybe we would, but we haven't seen any of them in Rheinland.
[18.03.2019 19:22:43] Dr.James.Erzie: I don't have any record besides today.
[18.03.2019 19:22:51] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: Hey Mr. Liberty Navy Captain. Oh wait... What are you now...? Still looking for Sahega-chan?
[18.03.2019 19:23:17] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: Very interesting... Do they bypass Rheinland?
[18.03.2019 19:23:24] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: No, no...
[18.03.2019 19:23:28] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: ?: We kinda stay away from the north Sirius, Rheinland and Omegas and maybe one or two Omicrons are our home.
[18.03.2019 19:23:34] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: part*
[18.03.2019 19:23:52] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: I see, Schrott.
[18.03.2019 19:23:58] Amenhotep: Asmodeus: I am not searching for anyone.
[18.03.2019 19:24:22] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: And don't worry. I'm alone in the Omegas. There isn't a Kusarian battlegroup venturing in this sector.
[18.03.2019 19:24:36] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: I see...
[18.03.2019 19:24:36] IMG|Sulu: Good day, everyone. Quite the gathering here!
[18.03.2019 19:24:37] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: I don't think Kusari Naval Forces could affort sending one right now anyway?
[18.03.2019 19:24:40] Forlorn|-Carrie.N: Yes, because that's totally what you want them to believe.
[18.03.2019 19:24:42] Dr.James.Erzie: Kind of foolish, don't you think?
[18.03.2019 19:24:42] IMG|Sulu: But no Armed Forces, so that's good.
[18.03.2019 19:24:45] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: Hail IMG.
[18.03.2019 19:25:03] IMG|Sulu: Huh, a Naval Forces ship? How strange! What brings you down here?
[18.03.2019 19:25:16] Amenhotep: Asmodeus: I am not worried about a frivolous Kusari Naval group
[18.03.2019 19:25:20] Forlorn|-Carrie.N: Join the queue, Sulu. *smirks*
[18.03.2019 19:25:21] <KJ>Veredelter.Schrott: ?: Another big shippi...
[18.03.2019 19:25:22] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: My ship was gathering dust on Freeport One.
[18.03.2019 19:25:32] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: And now Kusari Naval Forces are calling me back.
[18.03.2019 19:25:36] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: Trouble back home.
[18.03.2019 19:25:38] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: That's all.
[18.03.2019 19:25:51] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: Ah, Rheinwehr knocking at your doors?
[18.03.2019 19:25:56] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: Perhaps?
[18.03.2019 19:26:02] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: I don't know details.
[18.03.2019 19:26:11] IMG|Sulu: Er....this is all very peculiar.
[18.03.2019 19:26:13] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: I see, well, have a Good flight back home, see you all.
[18.03.2019 19:26:14] Death: Zentasker was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[18.03.2019 19:26:19] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: Sayonara.
[18.03.2019 19:26:29] OSI-Jake.von.Hohenstein: Auf Wiedersehen!
[18.03.2019 19:26:31] IMG|Sulu: Well, uhm. Have a safe flight home then, I guess.
[18.03.2019 19:26:45] Amenhotep: Asmodeus: Sulu, Doctor James Erzies informs me the situation the IMG is in with Bretonia.
[18.03.2019 19:26:47] [KNF]Akai.Hime-KNI: Yea... Soon will.
► Source:Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Kolonenplatzbau, Neu Berlin, Bundesrepublik Rheinland ► Encryption:port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET ► Submitter:Konteradmiral Reinhardt von Ehrenberg ► Recipant:Jake von Hohenstein ► Subject:Zivil-Informant
Guten Tag Herr von Hohenstein,
Your friend appears to have steered you right, I received your message without any difficulties. First of all, allow me to express my gratitude for your patriotic efforts, our hard working scout forces are always appreciate of information passed to them by our friends in the civilian world. Few enough take the time to do so, therefore: Danke.
I have passed your information on to the relevant departments of the military, while small unit movement should ultimately present no threat to yourselves, or your contract with the Museum für Archeologie, we are always eager to observe the movement of our enemies. I wish you the best of luck with your deliveries, and trust the present disturbances in the Omegas will not delay your schedule; indeed I have a friend at the museum who has informed me of their plans of new exhibits - I would hate to see these delayed.
Finally, allow me to assure you that the Rheinwehr continues to take the security and safety of merchant traffic through the omega trade artery extremely seriously. We are committed to working with our civilian partners to make a better, safer, Sirius for all.
Hochachtungsvoll, Konteradmiral Reinhardt von Ehrenberg,
OB KG Vallentorm,
Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Kolonenplatzbau,
Neu Berlin, Bundesrepublik Rheinland