Sender: Generalmajor Annabelle M. Heinrich Recipient: Representatives Source: [ᚲᛚᚨᛋᛋᛁᚠᛁᛖᛞ]
Subject: Battle plan.
Priority: High Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ
Soldiers, brothers and sisters in arms,
I have personally arrived on scene near the Kassel following news of this NEMP attack, the crew that have survived thus far are counting on a miracle. I have absolutely no intention of letting those nutella-eating savages take anything from us. However, my patience for this situation in Bretonia and on this frontier is at its end, and I can imagine you all feel the same. Before I continue with the specifications of our defensive plan let me make something very clear to all forces on site - specifically those operating under the Hessian banner:
Absolutely no mercy will be shown to anyone who dares to enter Fólkvangr (//Omega-5), or Muspelheim (//Omega-47) without our permission or consent. Many across our borders have begun to refer to us as "bloodthirsty savages" and while I've deflected the claims for the longest time, perhaps its best if appeared to them as that - just this once. Every Bretonian Military vessel, every Corsair vessel dies. No question, wipe them all out. Counter offensives have been set in place to ensure we humiliate them to the greatest extent possible.
The plan visual is outlined below:
Additional fighter and gunboat squadrons from Wolfsburg are currently waiting for the order to proceed through the Fólkvangr Jumphole from Niflheim. The Imperials will undoubtedly launch bomber squadrons to inflict what damage on the Kassel they can. Once the towing vessels on site with the Kassel begin to tow the vessel, the squadrons from Niflheim will jump through and create a screen around the interior portion of the Hammen Hole between Cadiz and Kassel. These vessels will be the crutch of our defense, and I will be accompanying them along with defensive squadrons from Ronneburg. Once the reinforcements from Niflheim are in position, fighter and bomber squadrons from Ronneburg headed by Brigadegeneral Stahlbrecher will launch an attack on Cadiz to buy the towing vessels time to move the Kassel to New Moscow. The towing vessels must be kept clear of enemy vessels. Once the Kassel has reached its destination point, the attack squadron near Cadiz will fall back to Ronneburg. I and the Niflheim squadron will immediately proceed to Muspelheim.
Non-reinforcement assets will escort the Kassel through new Moscow to the shipyard where it will be repaired.
For the Volksrevolution, kill them all.
Signed, Generalmajor
A. Heinrich
Rote Hessen Armee
Sender: Generalmajor Annabelle M. Heinrich Recipient: Aforementioned parties/persons Source: [ᚲᛚᚨᛋᛋᛁᚠᛁᛖᛞ]
Subject: Phase 2
Priority: High Encryption: ᚢᚾᛒᚱᛖᚨᚴᚨᛒᛚᛖ
Well... that was quick,
It seems we did indeed kill them all and to an extent - saved the Kassel. The towing effort has moved underway and the defensive effort is secure from point a to z. With the Kassel en-route to New Moscow I have begun to with essential personnel to Muspelheim to join the very-likely defensive effort. Maintain posts for now.
For the Volksrevolution, kill them all.
Signed, Generalmajor
A. Heinrich
Rote Hessen Armee