Quote:1.6 Character names must be inRoleplay and the use of excessive symbols, profanity, country tags, memes, pop-culture references as player characters is not allowed.
Your name was weird, but barely caused any "luls". However, the Sirius Bureau of Ship Registration has fined you 50,000,000 Credits and changed your vessel's name. They have absolutely no sense of humor.
If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of GM Right #CTE 750AE
In the past, I've seen the name such as "What,AName?" pop up many times over the years, and be used for extended periods of time, without being sanctioned. Don't get that confused; that's not me.
Entire factions have committed massive, large-scale offenses, knowingly, and tried to cover up the fact, and have received warnings. Such as:
Auxesia engages people who they are not hostile with, and then changes their repsheet to cover it up, with no RP explanation. They engaged in order to support Liberty lawful forces, which are the worst enemy of so many of their allies such as Xenos, Hellfire Legion, Separatists, and Vagrants. They tried to cover it up, proving that they were completely aware of violating the rules. They get a warning.
Liberty enforces laws outside of its ZOI. Nothing happens to them, and I get removed from factions.
Someone attempts to use a Core Spatial to pirate 200 scientific data (back when it was extremely rare and valuable and could not be mined) from my ALG transport in Sigma-15, fails, chases me into Omicron Rho, is told by an official Core member to stop, refuses to stop, fails again, switches to an Order Geb, which is not allowed to pirate (and is switching to a completely unrelated and unallied character to continue a previous character's goal), and tries to pirate me again. He gets a warning, and his NPC-bought guns stripped.
I name a character "SohmeweiardNamehlu", which does sound like "some weird name", but if read as it is spelled, can easily be interpreted inRP as a foreign name and does not disrupt roleplay, and I get sanctioned, and fined $50m credits, and not simply warned and renamed?
Are you kidding me?
This was obviously encouraged by someone's personal grudge.
If your goal is to make everyone in your community leave, with only your inner circlejerk remaining, with no one else to play with, then you're succeeding. You won't feel so powerful when you run out of people to step on.
If you're going to punish me so severely for such a minor offense, then you need to start doing something serious about the real problems around here.
Also... You seriously dropped my BANK CHARACTER down to 7 million?
First off, lets begin with the obvious thing. I cannot be everywhere at all times. Bringing other people's violations here has nothing to do with the original purpose of this thread. Furthermore, fines are scaled by the severity of the offense. You have been here long enough to know both this and the rules. 1.6 is a very clear rule. And dont get me wrong I am a fan of funny names, as long as they remain iRP. My goal isnt to drive people away, on the contrary, my goal is to keep them here. And circlejerking? Really? Blaming othes for a minor mistake you made wont revert the sanction. There are consequences for your actions.
(05-23-2019, 07:24 AM)Implosion Wrote: First off, lets begin with the obvious thing. I cannot be everywhere at all times. Bringing other people's violations here has nothing to do with the original purpose of this thread. Furthermore, fines are scaled by the severity of the offense. You have been here long enough to know both this and the rules. 1.6 is a very clear rule. And dont get me wrong I am a fan of funny names, as long as they remain iRP. My goal isnt to drive people away, on the contrary, my goal is to keep them here. And circlejerking? Really? Blaming othes for a minor mistake you made wont revert the sanction. There are consequences for your actions.
You say I've been around long enough to know better?
How about these entire factions that have committed large-scale offenses and tried to cover it up? You say you can't be everywhere at all times?
You are the one who let them off with a warning. The auxesia warning was just yesterday.
As for my name, I spelled it in a way that it could easily be interpretable as a real name. I was not trying to violate any rules. Take a look at real names. Every name has a meaning. Every name is a word. People may have forgotten the meanings, and because of that they've gotten used to the idea that names are not words; but every name was once used as a word. Over the years, new names are created. And not all names are respectful, either. Sometimes, people have names that mean "Liar", "Fool", or "Thief". And that's in real life. Since your "roleplay" rules are meant to simulate real life, I'd look to real life for your guidelines as to what's realistic. In real life, people are giving their kids all kinds of strange names. Additionally, "Sohme" is a real name. "Weird" is a real name. "Nameh" is a real name. I could have just named my character "Sohme-Weird.Name", but I chose to adjust it even further to make it less disruptive, as "Sohmeweiard Namehlu".
I make several new characters every day. I am constantly trying out new ships, as well as making additional copies of old ships to try them under new factions. If I spent a lot of time on each character's name, I wouldn't have much time to play the game. Sure, maybe that's the worst name I've come up with. So, you could have just asked me to change it.
If you really think my name was inappropriate, you should have given me a warning, and changed the name. If the massive large-scale offenses others are creating are only worth a warning, then the first offense I've ever committed, being small, inconsequential, non-disruptive, and unintentional, surely that's worth a mere warning as well.
So, tell me how your entire group can get together and unanimously decide that my name was a worse offense than what Auxesia has done.