Reinhardt looked up from the datapad in his hands, locking the screen as he slid it away into a pocket on the inobtrusive jacket he was wearning. Glancing around the delapidated backroom tavern almost made him chuckle; how very cloak and dagger. Internal amusement at the slight ridiculousness of an admiral of Rheinland disguised in a broken down old tavern on Sprague aside, the place was ideal for his purposes.
The bar was built, or perhaps ramshackled was better, into the backroom warehouses of the old mining facility that had been near destroyed during the Nomad War. Now, it was a dimly lit, largely depopulated dive frequented mostly by down on their luck Rheinlanders. Dotted around the room a few solitary drinkers drowned their sorrows, and he could recognize amongst their number a few of his men keeping a watchful eye.
Waiting. It seemed like no matter the walk of life, the greatest moments always involved a great deal of waiting. Reinhardt mused on the topic returning from the automated bar-tender to his seat. As he sat his reverie was interupted by the tiny comm piece in his ear peeping into life. The voice of one of the admirals personal guard came over the channel, "Shuttle has landed, he's here."
Reinhardt said nothing, he simply turned his gaze on the doorway and waiting for this SIS Director.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
As soon as Victor wandered in, he knew that he was out of place. This bar (as it could not be described at all like a pub) was not his first choice for a meeting with anyone, indeed it would have been his last choice. While the location of meetings often didn't mean much at all, the fact that some care could have been taken in choosing the location often helped get him through. Not today it seemed.
The director saw his intended contact and wandered over to him, coldly ignoring the bar and whatever it may have served. Guten tag herr Reinhardt. I trust your travels have been well. Victor already knew he wanted to skip the pleasantries, he already detested this place.
The rheinlander smiled inwardly; the director's discomfort was palpable, he would not have thought it was this easy to put the director off. Determined to make the most of his little trick, he simply indicated to the open chair across the table from him. In the most nonchalant tone he could muster, he replied: "Please, sit. Well enough. How's the family?" As he waited for the director to sit, he gave the smallest of gestures to his men; one by one, the room cleared, leaving the two men alone in the backroom.
Reaching under his jacket, he drew the datapad from his pocket, slowly turning it in his hands. Looking up at the director, he tried to assess the man and his next move.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
He smiled, half-heartily, still not at ease with his surrounding but content that the SAS were outside ready to go should the need arise. They were also highly effective at keeping the commoners out of the way. They are fine Admiral. I believe we have a great many things to discuss regarding your house and mine. So, how can I help?
The admiral smiled. "A great deal to discuss, mein herr." He flipped the datapads in his hand, thumbing on the screen and sliding it across the desk to the Director. "A small token of our gratitude for your efforts to date," a rasping chuckle escaped his throat; taking a sip of his drink he continued, "it occurs to me your current fleet situation provides you a unique opportunity to modernise. I'm certain you will find these designs as interesting as we did." He paused for a moment, carefully pronouncing the words: "They call it Project Kawasaki."
Reinhardt lent back in his seat and enjoyed the moment. As intended, it seemed to have caught the director on his back foot. Given the topics he knew they would have to discuss, the admiral was determined to remind this bretonian spymaster that Rheinland was not as blind as they might have thought.
"I must say director, we are most grateful for your efforts in support of our cause in recent months. It has been both welcome and surprising - though I find myself wonder why sie are so interested now - and your assistance in returning the von Albrechts was invaluable. There is however ein gut deal of work still to be done; I vill be blunt, there will be a great deal more we will need of you. The Kusarian situation continues positively, and I expect the return of those forces to create a," he paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully, "window of opportunity."
"And in them meantime..."
He trailed off for a few moments. There were a dozen topics he wished to bring up, but now was not the time to put all his cards on the table at once. He guardedly chose a subject he knew they would agree on, his one natural eye gaining a mischievous glint in the moment he mulled over his words: "I'm sure the Omegas are most interesting to you, nein? I feel certain mutual assistance could benefit both of our Houses against a common... annoyance."
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
He leaned back, examining the datapad, thumbing through it quietly and giving no indication that he heard the Admiral until he spoke after a long drawn out silence. You do not need to wonder why I am helping. You can just ask. He placed the datapad on the table and looked at the man. Bretonia's support will be ongoing until it is clear that Rheinland is no longer weak, although considerable effort was needed in convincing some in the Government of our need for Rheinland. He thumbed through his pockets absently while he spoke before finally he found his pipe, which he began to stuff. The annoyance of which you speak is next on our priority list, but time is needed for Bretonia to take stock and recover some of her strength. But I am getting ahead of myself, what is it that Rheinland needs from us?
The admiral bristled inwardly at the suggestion that his House was weak, given the state of Bretonia. He could not however deny that there were deep wounds, wounds they intended to heal - for that, he would need this man. He watched his opposite closely, listening intently. He refused to appear so, but he was uncertain - uncertain of how their plans would unfold; a thousand possibilities called for a thousand different solutions. Pausing for a few moments after the director stopped speaking, he contemplated his reply; settling on the immediate priorities, he laid it all out.
"The Kusari peace is holding. As I said, this presents an opportunity. It is our intent to return the fleet home, and begin to lay the ground work for the necessary reforms that will make Rheinland truly great again. When the time comes, we will need a great deal from you. I will be blunt: we will require financing; it is hardly a secret that Rheinland is rich in industry but suffers an undue financial burden. Bretonia, despite the catastrophies that have befallen it, remains rich in gold and wealth. We will financial aid to undertake the necessary steps.
Our corporations will need strong trade routes - and your assistance in keeping them open, should things go less smoothly than we intend. In fact, I have been instructed by the Oberkommando to discuss with you the subject of escorts. Our current agreements, while positive, may require some additional terms - I trust you are open to discussion on this matter? In any case, we have concerns over the integrity of ALG- given your history with them, I'm sure you agree - and must thus also consider alternate provisions for fuel. I'm informed that Kruger has already reached out to you... I would like to expedite this."
Reinhardt paused for a moment, composing his thoughts, before continuing. "There will also undoubtedly be some uncertainty in the other Houses - Liberty in particular - regarding the political changes in Rheinland as they are implemented. I should think if Bretonia asserts its influence on our behalf to calm them, and any reactions they might have, it would not be forgotten by us."
As you can see, there is a great deal of work for us both to do." He hesitated for a moment. "In the meantime, few politicians would publicly admit it, but the military feels that the on-going threat from the terrorist elements of the IMG poses an unacceptable risk to trade, safety and stability in Rheinland. Just as Aland is no doubt better off in your hands, we feel Freistadt would be best in ours. While the miners have given us plenty of reasons, when it comes to public sympathy a clear incident is always good for the press. I'm sure you understand?"
The admiral sat back in his chair, reaching for his glass as he let his little speech sink in with the Bretonian. Watching the man, wreathed in the pipe smoke that hung lazily above them in the poorly circulated air, the rheinlander sipped his drink and waited for the reply.
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.
Steiner took another long draw on his pipe, lost in his own collective thoughts regarding what was said. He exhaled, directing the smoke upwards before he started speaking again Bretonia has, somehow, managed to keep her finances largely intact. We can of course provide you with what raw materials we have, Gold, Niobium and so on. But what we do lack, which is probably highly convenient for Rheinland, is our industry. If we can rely upon Rheinland to assist in our industrial endeavors, then you may rely upon our financial strengths. To that end, you can be assured of our commitment to keeping the Omega corridor open. So I am curious as to what these 'additional terms' might be. He took another draw, thinking over how he might placate Liberty if they really did protest. I'm sure I can calm the Libertonians if the need arises, they have not always been the most understanding of folk, but they are at least willing to hear and see reason when it counts. So, I ask you sir. What is it that you would like to talk about first? I'm quite curious about your mentioning of the Omegas. Shall we start there?
"As you say, we can leave Liberty aside for the moment. It is a bigger question." The Rheinlander slowly nodded his assent, pondering the situation with a wry smile. "Under the circumstances, I think we can be certain that our Corporations will be open to such an offer. Of course I can put you in contact with the right people, and make some suggestions amongst friends myself." He paused a moment, pondering. "Despite years of preparations, it has been my experience that no plan ever survives contact with the enemy, so we must prepare for the worst contigency. Accordingly, we expect the Hessians to seize the opportunity to divert their forces." He swiftly reached into his pocket and produced a datapad; quickly calling up a number of illustrated statistical samples overlaying a strategic map. "In particular we've noted an increase in hessian deployments into the Cologne system. We expect they will make their own attempt to cut the Omega trade corridor." Summoning another image up, he continued after the briefest pause. "I realize your forces are somewhat diminished, but their engagement across the trade routes could prove invaluable, and of course if the Hessians move north -", he paused a moment, ending his sentence with a wry chuckle: "- it could create opportunities for you on your other shared front."
Leaving the datapad open on a strategic representation of Omega 7, centered on the Freistadt base, the admiral pointedly placed it on the table, looking up at his counterpart. "And Hessians, well Hessians leads us to the Independent Miners. I had intended to suggest your organisation could help us provide a suitable pretext, but my people tell me your government is predisposed toward a peace with the IMG? Regardless, I'm sure you're well informed about their links. It would not be unforeseeable to expect them to cooperate again, which I'm sure you would agree would call for swift joint action."
He thumbed the pad over to a copy of the Omega Treaty before leaning back in his chair and continuing. "But that is all for the future. For now, that," he gesticulated at the document with one hand, while reach into his pocket to produce a cigarette, "is a good sign of the trust between our houses, but in the interest of ensuring security, Vizeadmiral Kreuzer has asked me to help update it, and ask for the removal of certain restrictions." He paused for a moment to light. "Simply put, doctrine has changed, and we would prefer to removal of restrictions on gunboats so that they are free to escort traders without a great need for beaurocracy."
(06-12-2019, 01:04 AM)Nepotu Wrote: Remove the SNAC for good
Quote:[08.07.2019 03:20:17] =CR=Zulu: Situations like these makes me wish they left me behind in Crayter.