Nuremberg Border Station AFFILIATION:Rheinland Kameraden STATION ID:RK-M-001 CREW:200 GRAVITY:Incomplete DOCKING BAYS::Yes DOCKING ACCESS:Limited Traffic
Public Information
Nuremberg Border Station, laid down in 827 AS, serves as the center of Kameraden patrols in and around Munich and the Schwarzwald Cloud. The station's location ensures that supplies and resources safely make it to their designation. Due to the location of the installation it has been built to include a secondary purpose of investigating and researching deeper into the cause of the Munich Disaster and the ever-increasing storm that covers the system and as such the station is currently open for use by independent researchers and their teams.
Docking Information
Due to ongoing construction, the civil war in Rheinland and the hazardous environment of the Schwarzwald Cloud; the station access is currently limited to important personnel and short-stops only. If you or your employer wish to remain in the station longer than one week please apply for a long-stay permit
Although the station is built for the use by Kameraden naval personnel in mind, the station can be docked at by civilian personnel and most passing vessels entering Munich. All docking vessels will be treated to a security and cargo inspection and are expected to have a valid registration.