//This is the ships log of the LNS Vindictive, currently serving with the 5th fleet. It will contain information such as mission reports and other information relating to the ship
Operational Readiness Report 08-02-827
COMM ID:Commander Lucius Hopkins RECIPIENT: 5th Fleet, Quartermasters office ENCRYPTION:ALPHA
Greetings Command,
Below is a report on the current operational status of the LNS Vindictive
Vessel - LNS-Vindicive, Liberty Assault Battlecruiser
Commission Date - 09-15-817
Current status – Refit
Operational Status – Reserve, 5th Fleet
Report on operational status and refit 08-02-827
The Vindictive has arrived at moor 2 of the Norfolk shipyard and is currently undergoing checks and refit trials to be re-activated from reserve status.
Three main failings have been identified and works are currently progressing on these three points.
Scanner system – weakened due to age replacement required. Vessel currently operating with a 10k Passive scan and 2k ‘cargo’ scan range – ACTION upgrade to new capital craft scanner system. Priority - HIGH
Hangar system currently non-operative – ACTION – Repair hangar system to allow launch of fighter craft. Priority – LOW
Several non-vital compartments depressurised due to battle damage since last refit. - ACTION – Repair hull and pressure test compartments – Priority MEDIUM
Current plan of refit
Phase 1
Replace scanner and targetting control system with modern counterparts, train crew on operation of these new systems.
Conduct full check of entire hull structure to check for weak points to be addressed as part of phase 2 works.
Estimated time until completion of Phase 1. 08-08-827
Phase 2
Repair and pressure test of known damaged compartments as well as hull strengthening where weaknesses were identified as part of Phase 1 audit
Estimated time of completion – 08-24-827 (may change depending on outcome of phase 1 checks)
Phase 3
Replacement of hangar doors and the allocation of fighter wing. Assignment of Flight wing commander.
Estimated time of completion – Unknown (work can not be planned until completion of phase 2)
Phase 4
Additional upgrades based on mission profile.
With Regards,
Commander Lucius Hopkins,
Commanding Officer – LNS Vindictive
//This is the ships log of the LNS Vindictive, currently serving with the 5th fleet. It will contain information such as mission reports and other information relating to the ship
Operational Readiness Report 08-08-827
COMM ID:Commander Lucius Hopkins RECIPIENT: 5th Fleet, Quartermasters office ENCRYPTION:ALPHA
Greetings Command,
Below is a report on the progress of works on the LNS-Vindictive
Vessel - LNS-Vindicive, Liberty Assault Battlecruiser
Commission Date - 09-15-817
Current status – Refit
Operational Status – Reserve, 5th Fleet
Report on operational status and refit 08-08-827
Phase 1 - Complete 08-08-827
New capital class scanner suites have been installed and the required cabling has been run to the CIC. Crew members have been trained on the usage of the newer systems and initial readiness trials have been completed.
The hull audit has now been completed with two main points of concern being identified.
Several non-critical areas are currently depressurised due to previous battle damage
The reinforced areas near the 'Mortar' turret mounts are showing signs of micro fractures due to general wear and tear
As part of Phase 2 of works the following plans have been made
To address point one:
Hull plates in the affected areas will be removed and replaced with new hull plating material. The internal structure which the hull plates attach to in these areas will also be inspected and reinforced if necessary.
To address point two:
The compartments around the 'Mortar' class cannons will be depressurised and all hull plates removed. Additional reinforcement struts will be added to this area to prevent further unexpected wear. The materials used will be in line with current Liberty Assault Battle Cruiser specifications. Any struts with micro fractures will also be replaced. All hull panels in these areas will be replaced.
With Regards,
Commander Lucius Hopkins,
Commanding Officer – LNS Vindictive
//This is the ships log of the LNS Vindictive, currently serving with the 5th fleet. It will contain information such as mission reports and other information relating to the ship
Operational Readiness Report 08-08-827
COMM ID:Commander Lucius Hopkins RECIPIENT: 5th Fleet, Quartermasters office ENCRYPTION:ALPHA
Greetings Command,
Below is a report on the progress of works on the LNS-Vindictive
Vessel - LNS-Vindicive, Liberty Assault Battlecruiser
Commission Date - 09-15-817
Current status – Shakedown
Operational Status – Reserve, 5th Fleet
Report on operational status and refit 09-20-827 Phase 2 refit report
All works identified in Phase 1 and Phase 2 have now been completed.
In addition the original shield generator and 'Mortar' cannons have been replaced with new units due to wear.
The Vindictive will be undertaking shakedown over the next two months for crew retraining and system checks. After the shakedown has been completed the vessel will be ready for assignment.
With Regards,
Commander Lucius Hopkins,
Commanding Officer – LNS Vindictive