Omicron Delta's three suns reflected on the cool waters of the pool, their rays bouncing off the gleaming white walls of Archos' private Nauru Resort. Archos adjusted his sun-glasses to keep the sun out of his eyes, a tricky feat given that any of the three suns would be almost always be shining on you at any given point in the day. Wearing a Hawaiian shirt, black shorts, and sandals, he leaned back into his beach chair, a pina colada in one hand, and a tablet computer in the other. After taking a sip from his glass, he scrolled through the information on the screen, observing the details of The Core's next premier client. Her name was Lauren La'Row.
Quote:I, Lauren Charlotte La'Row, Duchess du Champagne and his Higness' loyal soldier...
Fancy, Archos thought to himself. People with titles usually had lots of money. Business with the Enclave did present a risk, especially if the Gallic Confederacy find out, but supplying both sides of the conflict would mean double the money. Worst case scenario, he could always invite Pierre Vaillant for Pina Coladas too.
Any moment now she'd be due to arrive. Hopefully, La'Row would remember to bring appropriate attire for the occasion. Wearing a flight suit on Nauru would be just asking to get cooked alive.
Charente was standing by near planet Nauru in Delta. Lauren knew sight of such ship would raise some eyebrows of local residents, however she couldn't bother much about it as long as The Order hasn't appeared with one of their fleets. Everything was running smoothly according to her plan, a small piece of puzzle which is a part of much greater plan. A thought of Loyola's words emerged from depth of her mind, silently resonating in her ears. "You should learn to relax..."
"Ma'am, your ship is ready for flight..." These words brought her back to reality, all she did was a simple nod and set her course to the hangar bay, there she would find her Lynx and two of her elite guard members standing nearby. "Let's go..."
Few minutes later they were all standing on the landing pad of Nauru, from there Lauren was supposed to be picked up and brought to Archos' private resort. Something she found slightly out of place for business talks, but that's apparently the way The Core deals with guests, she thought. Her Guard remained near the port, they were tasked to look around and stay vigilant in case she would need a hand.
Lauren arrived, she left the vehicle which brought her there. It was warm outside, she was wearing her Naval white and red uniform, but had more loose clothes packed in her backpack just in case it was too warm. "So, where is he?"
Archos had just been notified that Lauren La Row had arrived. Pressing a button on the tablet computer, he signalled for his assistants to bring her in, and to prepare a table of food and drinks. He then proceeded to get up from the beach chair, and approached a moderately sized table affixed with a large parasol that would cover both Archos and Lauren from the heat. Several small bites of food - savory biscuits topped with condiments, cheese and meat - and lioght alcoholic beverages on across the topside. There were two leather chairs, each at both ends of the table. Archos took the front seat and made himself comfortable. The other seat would remain vacant until Lauren arrived.
"Please, bring her up" he beckoned to his assistant over the communicator.
Lauren was going through possible scenarios, preparing for every single possibility and outcome of this meeting. Her mind flow however was disturbed by some guy approaching her from afar. Few seconds later she already knew it was just an assistant sent by Archos, it was a relief for a second. She just nodded and procceded inside, following the assistant through the corridor until they reached Archos sitting at the table hidden beneath the huge parasol. It was a strange sight, just because Lauren expected this to be a bit more formal, yet instead they will be discussing stuff on the beach.
"Monsieur Archos... It's pleasure to meet you in person." Lauren said, carefully observing the local environment.
"I'm glad you survived the encounter with these terrorist apes near Nauru, what a pity it'd be to lose such a valuable friend."