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Incoming Suppressed Transmission from Tau-23
Ikarus Storage Facility 03, Tau Branch of Junkers
Mr. Venk speaking.
Hello, Gallic Royal Enclave.
So what I thought was happening is confirmed. Didn't think a station would betray the trust of a group so big.
I'd like to let you know, I have no intentions of crossing any lines with you. You have my word. Like I have said
before, I'd very much like to keep my home here within Gironde.
Thank you for granting both my Core 3 license and the change of identity for my home. Means a lot!
I shall keep you updated with how things go. If all things go to plan, you'll be receiving the proper payments
within the first week of every month.
Issoudun Shipyard, Aquitaine system
September 14, 743 AGS
Sender: Quartermaster Chrystelle Guertin, Enclave Defence Authority Recipient: Ikarus Storage Facility Subject: New Bank Account
Dear Monsieur Venk of the Ikarus Storage Facility.
I am Chrystelle Guertin, Quartermaster to Enclave Defence Authority. We would like to inform you that since the following month fee for your station's protection shall be directed to a new bank account: \*/'Enclave
Have a nice day. Live long and prosper under the Enclave's protection.
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Incoming Suppressed Transmission from Tau-23
Ikarus Storage Facility 03, Tau Branch of Junkers
Mr. Venk speaking.
Hello, GRE vessels.
During my time exploring the Taus, and nearby systems, I have come across other facilities carrying and
producing some rather interesting technology. These pieces of hardware are out of my understanding,
some of them are called Jump Drives, others Cloak Disruptors...
I hope to come to an understanding that'll help the both of us. My idea is the prospect of creating a facility
next to my home in Tau-23 dedicating to understanding these items. Maybe we can build, or assist in building,
these same items for you and your fellow pilots.
As I've come to understand from one of my conversations with Triomphant, cloaking devices are banned from
being built on my home. However I'd hope to help in other ways.
If I could get a list of technologies that you are interested in, I could see about getting this installation built
and start on studying them. Docking Bays for battleships is something I'd like to provide, considering I have
so much free scrap metal from when I first built my home. Gotta use it on something.
When it comes to the installation fee and contract, I hope we could include both Ikarus and this new facility under
the same contract. I hope I'm in your good graces enough to ask for a reduction in monthly fees if we were to take
this action.
When it comes to making payments from Ikarus,
I have been given updated information to pay the money to: \*/'Enclave
Also, the application for my home's change of identity is still underway, I will update you if it does get greenlighted.
I hope you don't mind if I cut this conversation to the chase. The Enclave doesn't allow such equipment as cloaking devices exist within our space without being tracked by the Royal Navy. I hope you understand that such equipment is a danger for safety for both civilian and military objects that we cannot accept. However, you may make your contribution to making Taus safe:
Cloaking Disruptors - this simple equipment works on similar technology to the Cloaking Devices. As been told - it has been designed to nullify the cloaking effect. It emits a broad-spectrum EM pulse which, while harmless to shielded vessels, overloads and collapses the masking field of a cloaked ship. The pulse is Omni-directional, and so should be used when the operator suspects a cloaked vessel is in close proximity.
The Second Gallic War and further escalation of this conflict to Taus left a lot of scars and scrap. You may use some of this scrap for the construction of equipment. We may even be interested in procuring some. However, we do hope you will inform us in the case of finding something particular and unfamiliar for you before.
As for the construction of extension for your station: I'm afraid you better stick to improving your primary station and do not try to extend while the conflict with Kusari is not solved.
Is this all or would you like to discuss something else?
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Incoming Suppressed Transmission from Tau-23
Ikarus Storage Facility 03, Tau Branch of Junkers
Mr. Venk speaking.
Greetings, Enclave.
The change to redirect payments to \*/'Enclave has been applied. All future monthly payments will be sent out within the first week of every month.
Exploring the systems around Gironde, I have seen enough scrap to pick at for multiple lifetimes! So many types of random electronics, metal types... I guess it's
my Junker brain getting set off. When I'm able to increase the size of Ikarus, I will be starting up a Docking Module production facility. Building my own home from
scratch, I am familiar with how docking on stations work, so building a portable version of that would be easy for me and my small crew. Analyzing the scrap from
the war will expedite the production process, and you'll be free to pick these up from my station when they are complete. You are also free to assist.
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Incoming Suppressed Transmission from Tau-23
Ikarus Storage Facility 03, Tau Branch of Junkers
Mr. Venk speaking.
Greetings, Enclave.
While sifting through all the scrap left over from Kusari's battle against Gallia, it seems there's a few
different types of metals, magnets, and suspension types spread about.
I would ask you to describe exactly how strong and to what degree you'd like these docking modules built.
We looking at twin shock absorbers for the docking suspension?
How strong of magnets work well with your small craft's hull type?
Any form of decor I can use within the unit itself?
With all of this material just sitting there in space, I'd like the chance to not only make a docking module,
but a space where it feels like home whenever a pilot lands on one of your Destroyers.
Please give me a rough spec design sheet of the docking modules you're after.
In time, I'll get a facility up and running using that information.
Sender: Capitane de vaisseau Dominique Lemelin, Enclave Defence Authority Recipient: Ikarus Storage Facility Subject: Docking modules construction
Bonjour, Monsieur Venk.
I am commandant Dominique Lemelin. I was assigned to discuss construction of docking modules with you.
Let's start with magnets. Please use gallic standard of magnet strength, so there will be no compatibility issues. For decor, just visit any gallic space station and copy decor of their hangars. That's should be enough.