To: Devin Blackwood Sender: Doppo From: Kagoshima Station
Ah Mister Devin,
Thought you were all dead, last time I heard something about Edimburgh's Gaians wasn't good news. Seems things got messy with the gauls. That's good for the Alliance, less KNF eyes on us.
Yes, some of us are still here. The Farmers Syndicate in Kyushu nows handles all the legal and bureaucratic stuff, lot of former pilots are now in there. But we're still needed anyways.
Let me introduce myself Devin-san, I'm Doppo, one of the last few combat pilots in Kagoshima along with others here.
Someone send us a target or a nasty task, we comply. Simple as that... Of course we enjoy certain freedoms, so to speak.
So, what can I do for you?
Now I remember, I got a memo from one of our benefactors not long ago, those muchachos aren't happy with you.
Data Packet Delivery Successful Sender:Devin Blackwood Source Encryption:Yes Subject:A man shouted into The Void...
I assume by "benefactors" you mean the Corsair "Empire"? Yes they wouldn't be to happy with me would they?
I mean what was I to do? My people get crushed under the treads of an genocidal military machine, we cry out for our closest allies help only to see them marching lockstep with the very boots crushing us. That was when I realized, they didn't care about the Gaian cause...they don't care about any of us, we are a means to their end and that's it. To get Cambridge or some other planet that they can get food from. I'd even hazard the assumption that they would be willing to work with Synth Foods in order to get their hands on food they so desperately need, they don't care about where the food comes from they are nothing but wild animals eating everything in sight.
So no, there is no love lost between The Nemesis and The Corsairs, which is why I am reaching out to you.
Not many years ago the unfortunate dissolution of the Landwirtrechtbewegung movement had the Gaians play host to many of the now homeless Farmers. While their voices joined chorus with ours their message was not drowned out and I realized that We in the Gaians had a responsibility, Synth Foods plants poison the ecosystems they touch making the earth barren and sterile, only capable of growing the gray sludge they try to pass off as food. They are just as detrimental to Nature as any Planetform Terraforming operation.
I feel for your cause, and see your message, no one should eat that garbage real natural food is key. I invite you to come visit The Hanging Gardens of Torshavn. One of my personal projects that is using experimental Hydro and Aero-ponic systems in order to cultivate food in a way that can, in theory, allow competition with Synth Foods production. I value your cause, and I wish to see you succeed in your goals and we will help you regardless of if you choose to disavow the Corsair "Empire".
It is time Sirius came to respect nature, and I hope you agree. The Maltese have ruled with their poison, The Corsairs with their trinkets, and The Coalition with its "Red isn't Dead" campaign. Then there are those who look past that to the bigger picture, organizations like yours and mine.
How good are drugs, when you cannot relax and enjoy a sunset?
What is the value of a paperweight with no paper?
The purpose of a revolution if all of Humanity is already dead?
The truth is, all of those require Humanity, and Humanity requires Nature. Planetform, SynthFoods, and Orbital Spa and Cruise have chosen to abuse nature and encourage society at large to take it for granted. They represent a Triumvirate of Pollution. A Trans-Sirius Green Alliance could be a force to be reckoned with, it would allow us to put in check those corporations who seek only to exploit nature for their own gain.
I do hope this message finds you well, best wishes and safe skies.