From: Diego.Fernandez IFF: Corsairs Subjetct: Karamba station - new corsairs installation in Omicron Xi. Supply permission request
Hola honorable senores!
My name is Diego Fernandez, captain of Murmillo battleship.
First of all I apologize for so late informationing you about my decision to build my own installation. Yes, it already there, sector C3/4.
Each Corsair has permission to dock. The main goal of this installation is to provide necessary goods ( such as Optronic Arrays, various types of hardware, alcohol ) to neares bases and make corsair supplying more easy.
Now base is young and needs supplying too.
I'm negotiated with Samura and Junker transports and they ready to this work, so i requesting the permission to these following vessels to enter Omicron Gamma, Omicron Xi to support my installation.
Carrier ID: Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron | Carrier: Diego Fernandez | Description: Supply permission
El Permission
Hola, senor Fernandez. *nods*
Good to see so many business people founding bases in our pride yet humble Empire. Grakias.
Even better to see Samura is helping us. They are our amigos. Bien. Bien.
But about that Junker gringo... not all Junkers are nike. We do business with them, but we don't trust them. They are targets to be taxed, like any other. Of kourse, if they are helping us, we will help them. That means we don't tax them if they bring us food and konstruktion materials for our magnifikent shipyards. And we don't tax them if they buy Artifakts or Xeno Reliks. So make your Junker friend know these details, por favor.
*he pressed off button with his hairy macho hand. Button felt in love immediately, cracked and died thinking: What a macho.*
|X| - |X| - |X| - |X| No Carrier at all |X| - |X| - |X| - |X|