Independent Miners Guild - IMG| Roll Call, December 2020.
Your Discord name: <Answer here> Ships in possession: <Answer here> Level of interest: <Answer here> Level of activity: <Answer here> What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: <Answer here>
[align=center][color=white]Independent Miners Guild - IMG| Roll Call, December 2020.[/color][/align]
[color=white]Your Discord name: [/color]<Answer here>
[color=white]Ships in possession: [/color]<Answer here>
[color=white]Level of interest: [/color]<Answer here>
[color=white]Level of activity: [/color]<Answer here>
[color=white]What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: [/color]<Answer here>
Independent Miners Guild - IMG| Roll Call, December 2020.
Your Discord name: Decktare#3940 Ships in possession: IMG|First.Pass (Gunboat); IMG|Second.Pass (IMG Transport) Level of interest: 8/10 Level of activity: 8/10 What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: Diplomacy rework.
Independent Miners Guild - IMG| Roll Call, December 2020.
Your Discord name: MasterL410#4157 Ships in possession: IMG|Niagara
IMG|Racing.Duckling Level of interest: 7,5/10 Level of activity: 4/10 What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: I'm open for everything.
Independent Miners Guild - IMG| Roll Call, December 2020.
Your Discord name: Classified Ships in possession: IMG|Jessica.Hudson, IMG|Jessica.Hudson', IMG|"Marrowrend" Level of interest: mid to high Level of activity: currently low What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: More mining pls.
Your Discord name: Sam101
Ships in possession: IMG|Dago miner
IMG|diamon miner
IMG|diamion 4300 transport img
Level of interest: mining/base maintenance/transport
Level of activity: everyday 2hours
What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: enough to maintain bases and ore and RP
Independent Miners Guild - IMG| Roll Call, December 2020.
Your Discord name: Hopewell Ships in possession:
IMG|Nidaros / Shisha
IMG|Nidarus / Shisha
IMG|Newact / Annapurna / O3
IMG|Newacte / Annapurna / Dublin
IMG|Newacter / Annapurna / Tau 23 Level of interest: 7/10 Level of activity: 5/10 What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: Some activity on Sundays pleases me. It could be Saturday night too.
Independent Miners Guild - IMG| Roll Call, December 2020.
Your Discord name: Hey#4478 Ships in possession:
IMG|Rinjani (IMG Transport)
IMG|Obsidian (IMG Gunboat)
IMG|Simon.Landauer (IMG VHF) Level of interest: Medium Level of activity: Medium What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: Convoys, mining, the usual stuff
Independent Miners Guild - IMG| Roll Call, December 2020.
Your Discord name: Dark Chocolate#2564 Ships in possession: IMG|Dark.Chocolate , IMG|Cobalt.Horizon , IMG|Rock.Meal Level of interest: Medium Level of activity: Just logged in after a year of inactivity,... but trying to get back. What kind of activity would you like to see in the faction: BIG CONVOYS, HUGE CONVOYS, MASSIVE CONVOYS like the old days