(Orleanais) Chartes - Blois tradelane had endless travel (you enter and don't leave it until you cancel travel manually or die from hitting a system wall);
(Orleanais) Planet Orleans -> Champagne JG had wrong ID name;
(Orleanais) Chartes -> Picardy JG had wrong ID name;
(Picardy) Amiens - IDF JG lane had wrong ID.
[b][color=#FFFF00]Type:[/color][/b] Systems/Infocards
[b][color=#FFFF00]Bug:[/color][/b] List the thing that is wrong. Keep it short
Explain the bug thoroughly here.
Do not repeat this template for unrelated bugs, each needs their own thread.
==================== Type: Systems Bug: Alesia Station is located crooked ====================
The station is slightly tilted to the left, and the front part with docking "box" is tilted up (when viewed from the side of Champagne JG, for example). Looks like it just isn't on the horizon level. And it would be nice if it leveled out, yah. Just check it at least, please.
==================== Type: Systems Bug: Champagne JG in Burgundy is located crooked ====================
Can the gate be moved to face the lane to Nevers, please? The way it's located now doesn't cause much inconvenience, but it just looks pretty weird. It would be nice if it was against the lane, tbh. Alesia Station is far enough away to be taken into account in this case, I think.