-- Reciever: Crayter Republic, Hephaestus Construction Ltd
-- Subject: Construction Request
Greetings Crayter Republic Associates,
Let me first boast about the fine work the team on behalf of Hephaestus Construction performed aboard our headquarters. The craftsmanship and professionalism of your crews makes me feel secure and at home in our HQ complex!
Let me also apologize for not adequately supplying the project previously disclosed. You have my word that within a week, regular shipments will resume. As you have seen my goals achieved, you will also have your goals achieved. We will connect the stars!
To business, then. We have a couple of projects that requires your skillful hands once again. To begin with, the demand put upon Constellation Express has made for a much needed expansion in our administrative capability. We have the resources on site and some blueprints drawn up. We just need your skillful workers to perform the task. Along with the administrative expansion, we will also be needing a new cafeteria and lounge built. As we have expanded, so has our reputation and renown. People of business, to include dignitaries, should feel welcomed aboard our Headquarters. This includes representatives of Crayter Republic.
Our second project includes the construction of a satellite installation nearby our HQ. This location will require less in terms of finesse but more in terms of technical craftsmanship. You see, the nearby ice fields have plentiful and untapped reserves of pristine ice. This commodity is much needed in the outer reaches of Sirius. We wish to capitalize on this unique opportunity. Through mining efforts of friends and 3rd party organizations, we will be able to secure large quantities of ice for transport. This installation will require freezer units with which to keep the ice cold for transport. Some life support systems will also need to be installed for maintenance and warehousing crew. I do not envy those crew members that have to shovel the ice in those freezers! Hmm... perhaps a weekly gift card to the HQ lounge would be a nice incentive.
Our terms prior to this agreement were of a 10% pay penalty for any commodities supplied for your project. However, should Hephaestus Construction agree to support Constellation Express with our infrastructure builds, we can increase this penalty an additional 5% to make for a 15% pay penalty to all {ConEx} shipments.
Please feel free to discuss amongst yourselves. I will personally be standing by to address any questions or concerns. Thank you very much for your time!
I'm pleased to hear that Constellation Express is happy with Hephaestus Construction's work. I'll have to visit someday to inspect the product for myself, but I'll trust that our people have represented us well.
I'm also happy to say that Hephaestus will gladly support your construction interests. I've let the Treasury department know of the arrangement, and your people need only to continue providing supplies to the relevant drop off points.
In service to the Republic
Sebastian Riordan
Minister of Trade
Crayter Republic
The crew you sent on behalf of Hephaestus Construction have done it again! The freezers are working, the crew facilities are established, and life support is online. As a courtesy to a job well done, we were sure your crews left the site on a full stomach!
Thank you on behalf of myself and Constellation Express for this partnership. In exchange, our convoys will make Sabah Shipyard deliveries a priority!