To: The Molly From: Mike Williams, Independent Miners Guild Subject: Hello Encryption: High
My name is Mike Williams, IMG Miner in Dublin, I see that BMM miners stole your gold ore everyday so I want to negotiate a business deal with you. A few years ago I had a Pob called IMG Research Station in Tau-23 But it was destroyed after some attacks from an outcast group called The Crimson Cross.
From that time, I was hiding here in Battleship Hood from the Outcasts. But since things has changed now and a new group is in charge of Malta I guess it's time for me to complete my researches again. So I want to build my Pob again this time in Dublin. I will gather a team to build it and together we will stop BMM from stolen the gold from your fields. I think now it's a good time for us as we don't see any activity from BMM miners lately. Did you killed them all? *smiles*
The location will be D/E3 Dublin, so think about my offer and let me know what do you think.
Best Regards, Mike Williams
Independent Miners Guild
We speak for the Dublin Heroes. Due to your front towards the BMM and Bretonian corporations, and the usurpers in the government bizzarely claiming Dublin to be their House space despite them controlling around 10% of the system, us obliterating two battlegroups in Dublin recently and an entire shipyard in Omega-3 you would face difficulty to be openly hostile to our enemies and deny them docking priviledges, making both our miners' and raiders' jobs more difficult in 3D/E.
What we deem acceptable is for you to build your base at the location of Battleship Hood, pledge to forgo weapons platforms now and in the future, and retain at least neutral status towards the Molly movement. This would provide additional protection to your station whilst providing no advantage to 3rd party enemies you need to keep your front with being able to moor closer to the main Dublin field than they already can. It would also be beneficial for Hood itself as it would expand it's storage capacity and utility in effect. And well, we would be able to sell you gold we obtain as well - a mutually beneficial situation for all.
Thank you for reaching out, and please confirm you find the above acceptable
To: Bretonia Rogue Ragers Leadership, The Molly From: Mike Williams, Independent Miners Guild Subject: RE: Hello Encryption: High
We accept your terms. we will build it beside Battleship Hood and we will remain neutral towards the Molly movments all the time.
Best Regards, Mike Williams
Independent Miners Guild