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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Chief Medical Officer's Quarters, Med Force General-B, Omicron Theta
To: Prospective Buyers
Good Evening,
For those of you who do not know me, I am Dr. John Henry Holliday, founder of Med Force Enterprises. The Enterprise has been around for a number of years now and has enjoyed success saving lives, performing medical and scientific research and studying new treatments and cures. Over the last year, we have expanded into training people and organizations in medical practices and treatments. I owe much of that success to the staff of Med Force Enterprises and to the many people over the years that have donated to our work and even helped in some way be it transporting goods or giving us some of their time.
Recently, Med Force Enterprises merged with the Med Force Academy, a base near to this base. We found that we can best serve our patients, personnel and students by keeping all of our services in one base. In doing this we have eliminated the need of shuttles between bases and need to run less supplies. So in as much of an accomplishment Med Force General-B has been, we have found a declining use for it so after a staff meeting, we decided to sell the base.
She a Core 3 base that sits less than 10k from Freeport 9 and is a short flight to Omicron Supply Incorporated and is also a short flight to Pygar and has 6 storage units with two empty capsules to add whatever you might feel. It has no gun platforms as we are a peaceful entity and have honored our agreement with the administration of Freeport 9 to not build them within a no-fire zone. For now, it is well stocked and we do our best to keep it that way with a variety of foods and provisions.
Points of Interest
-If you buy this base, it still lays within the no-fire zone of Freeport 9 and therefore has no gun platforms per agreement with base administration. The buyer will continue to honor this agreement.
-You will have neighbors. Passing traders, escort craft and the odd military ship have not been a problem. Omicron Theta is a crossroads.
-All ships on the base will be relocated once the sale is complete.
-Med Force Enterprises has final say on the buyer
All this said, we will begin taking bids on the base. Opening minimum bid is 1.75 billion Sirius Credits.
Dr. John Henry Holliday
Med Force Enterprises
incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Sanuel Butler
Location: Erewhon - Zoner Colony Ship
To: Doc Holiday
Good Evening Dr John Henry Holliday, you may not be aware of us as we are generally in deep space eschewing the House areas, as is a Zoners wont.
However, we do sometimes return to more populated space. We are undertaking these journeys more frequently as some of the new generation of Erewhonians are finding the lure of civilization important for their growth.
In order to allow our people to flourish we were contemplating setting up a "home" on the fringes of the more populated areas of Sirius. This would allow our younger generation to form their own viewpoints on a "safe" platform and allow our original colonists, now older, to return to the more nomadic life they chose years ago.
Your unarmed, peaceful base located in Theta would seem to provide a fortuitous opportunity to fulfil our plans and also inject some funding into your worthwhile enterprise by selling the surplus MFE base.
We are a fair people and would be willing to purchase for 2 billion Sirius credits as soon as you would deem appropriate.
We are quite happy to adhere to the conditions stipulated and we could even leave the name as is if you desire.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Chief Medical Officer's Quarters, Med Force General-B, Omicron Theta
To: Sanuel Butler
Encryption: Heavy
Good Day, Sir,
I apologize for my late response. I must admit that I have not heard of your people. Before I agree to your bid, I would like to know more about them. The neighbors of whom I refer in my original transmission are the Corsairs. I have no problems with them and I would like to know how you are with them? A wise man does NOT want them as an enemy. I await your reply.
incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Sanuel Butler
Location: Erewhon - Zoner Colony Ship
To: Doc Holiday
Good day Dr John Henry Holliday, there is not really a lot to tell.
After the great diaspora and the humanification of Sirius our founders generally felt that the human race was simply copying its previous history with nothing learned.
We did not see a great future in this and wished to re-image an alternative, hence we turned to a Zoner lifestyle, purchasing a colony ship and headed into deep space, thus our relative anonymity.
We are virtually self-sufficient and if needing to obtain materials we usually barter with knowledge, mapping data or deep space materials that are useful but rare in the House systems. Internally we have no need for money but over time we have accumulated Sirius credits to facilitate any trade when bartering is not appropriate.
Having no enemies is a wise plan in general and we have had no problems with any Corsairs who we have crossed space lanes with. “Live and let live” coupled with “treat others how you would like to be treated” are good adages that have served us well.
This recent venture, involving the purchase of a fixed base, is mainly driven by our younger generation, born on board but wishing to experience the “bright lights” of the more colonised regions. As we are not totalitarian in our social structure we see the way forward as allowing those who wish to experience this less remote life a chance to do so. They are then free to return to the mother ship or go their own way based upon experience.
Hopefully, this gives some insight into our isolated grouping, if you need more feel free to re-contact.
If this is enough to satisfy your interest in us, and our intentions, and you wish to move on please provide the details you need linked to transfer of monies and base access.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Chief Medical Officer's Quarters, Med Force General-B, Omicron Theta
To: Sanuel Butler
Encryption: Heavy
Mr. Butler,
I have had time to review your request and discuss it with my second in command and we have decided that we will go through with the sale to your group. Having more Zoner groups is good for our cause. I would like to meet over a meal and sign the paperwork, transfer the codes and while we are at it, I would like to discuss further relations between our groups. We are a medical and research group. I would like to see how we can work together. Having your own base of operation will help.
If you are OK with it, we can finalize this at the restaurant on the station and discuss relations. I look forward to the meeting.
Posts: 8,522
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Chief Medical Officer's Quarters, Med Force General-B, Omicron Theta
To: Sanuel Butler
Encryption: Heavy
Mr. Butler,
Do forgive my delay. I wanted to be sure the base was well stocked before the sale. I will meet you at a private table at the cafe at Freeport 9 within the hour.