I could not help but notice that one of your henchmen must have been loose lipped. Perhaps. Or someone was eavesdropping, or there's an agent infiltrated within your ranks, the possibilities are endless... But.
Some wild dogs came to bark at me today.
Most unfortunate that they too were after Mille. For now, I will refrain from knocking them down a notch, but I will not relent if they go after those I care for. Especially around a Freeport.
A shame that Mille decided to pay out of kindness, they were two minutes from having two cruisers dropped upon them. The entities in question were Jubac - a Rogue Barghest, and BlackMist - a Rogue Scylla.
I do not expect you to do anything, but I am merely informing you, should you become confused as to why some of the ... pack? ... is fighting Mille or me. Or any of the others.
On an unrelated side note, have you tried out some of this Tawney Port that Mille brought down from a Gallic dealer? Oddly refreshing. I have a spare crate, if you wish to trial it.
"No, only a few of my own pack have seen us together. I suppose one could've been payed off, but he usually minds his own business. How this knowledge came to pass into this lone pirate's hands is beyond me. Though it does not matter."
"I'm uncertain what game these pups think they're playing, but it's been fairly common knowledge that your kin have aided not just my pack, but many a rogue in Liberty in their time of need, most importantly free of charge. I suppose these ones have lost sight of that, or just lived under rocks too long to notice."
"These "rogues" are not mine, nor would they be engaging in such conduct in a freeport. If they somehow know of our "deal", that means they knowingly went out of their way to go against the dealings of those above them, thus, biting my hand. If you are assaulted or harassed in my territory, I won't hold self defense against you, whether it be against another guest, or a Rogue."
"If any of my pack are around when this happens again, and assume it will if they were this bold already, I'll make sure they're reminded of their place."