It is I, Festus McBoyle - scrap merchant and trader of loot lots of stuff!
To all freelancers, Junkers and anyone else who can do some heavy lifting.
Need some beefy boys to help move Handlesdepot closer to Essen base. Lots of good toxic waste going to... well... waste. So I need a show of hand who would be keen to help an old shipmate!
And if you are keen, then let me know and I'll give you permission to dock on McBoyles Schottplatz so yous all can mine oodles of scrap metal... (Bless the Rheinland war, for making a Junker happy).
I have sent out a request to the Junkers Congress so they will be pitching in to help also.
To: Festus McBoyle
From: Jeff Simpson, All Worlds Enterprises, Freelancers
Good day sir,
I would be happy to provide whatever aid our corporation has to offer your undertaking, although it sounds like you are in need of bigger ships than my standard freelancer complement can provide.
If our transports can aid in your task at hand, I can gladly provide help for your move of Handlesdepot base closer to Essen.
I am in AWE of yer offer. No matter the smaller ship, I still need me furniture and whatnot packed, moved, and unpacked. Need delicate hands but not light-fingered if yer knows what I mean.
Now, do you have an ID that I can enter into the computer-gate-locking-thingy t'get your men a pass?
They will have access to both Handelsdepot and McBoyles Scrottplatz in Frankfurt if ya so require.
To: Festus McBoyle
From: Jeff Simpson, All Worlds Enterprises, Freelancers - Bochum Depot, New Berlin
Good day Festus!
I just wanted to quickly drop you a line and catch up on your base move progress!
My fleet has been very busy upgrading our shared base at the ALG Bochum Depot in New Berlin, but that work has now slowed and I can focus our efforts to our other commitments - including assisting your base in our neighborhood!
I hope plans are going well and continued success in your scrap collection efforts - AWE will be playing a part!
McBoyles Schrottplatz, Frankfurt - for quality scrap metals.
Lagerhaus, New Berlin. Selling scrap metal 2500sc. Buying Gold ore 8500sc
Ahoy esteemed colleagues, comrades, and convicts... perhaps not so the last one... perhaps.
It is I, Festus McBoyle again, Scrap merchant and seller of good loot stuff.
Righty-o, mates! Fer all those who are a wee bit wary of pirates (be they Governmental or actual) and want to store or sell me some precious loot listen up!
Handlesdepot, next door to Kreuszburg, is enlarging its storage to accommodate the growing need to offload, OBVIOUSLY legit loads of loot... err... supplies! That means, if yer selling gold ore but can't afford the risk to take into New Berlin? we pay a premium and can buy it - just slightly cheaper, ad 8500/ unit.
Or maybe you simply want to pawn it for a wee bit of cash! We do that to!
Festus McBoyle - a name your can trust... you can see how honest I be, by me portrait!
Yo ho ho!
Oh they joy in death, those who undertake to remove the corpses of ship and sailor.
"With the skimpiest of RP, so skimpy in fact that if it was underwear, it would make a nudist blush..." Facts1Crew1
McBoyles Enterprises
Schrottplatz in Frankfurt - selling Aluminium Ore and REALLY high-quality scrap.
Lagerhaus - our warehouse in New Berlin - watch this space fer bargains.
Festus McBoyles Scrapyard - Leeds. Huge range of clearly legal stuff!
Ahoy all freelancers. junkers and the not-so-innocent traders!
It is I, Festus McBoyle, merchant and procurer of stuff that ya all might need.
Lookin' fer expressions of interest to lease or rent or buy Handlesdepot. Currently Core two with all comodtie... comofesate... the stuff in place to become a core three. Just awaitin' blueprints to complete.
Yo ho ho!
Oh they joy in death, those who undertake to remove the corpses of ship and sailor.
"With the skimpiest of RP, so skimpy in fact that if it was underwear, it would make a nudist blush..." Facts1Crew1