Owner's Name (and Organization's Name if applicable): Val Kyrie
License requested and reason(s) for it: License is requested for an early series Prosecutor insurgent very heavy fighter. Reason is so I don't get shot by the navy simply by flying around my lawfully acquired ship.
Evidence of friendly reputation with Liberty Navy and Liberty Police:•Attachment
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests: The ship is a prototype of what would later become the Prosecutor, more closely related to the Sabre than anything else, most notably carrying what appears to be a slightly worn Sabre powercore with more limited output compared to later models. The ship was acquired through a legitimate and fully legal salvage in the Vespucci system several years prior. The vessel was found rotting in a storehouse whereupon I liberated it from its former ungrateful owners. I have re-engined and re-armed the vessel to suit my own taste. Most Navy technology that would later be found in the vessel had either not been implemented at the time of this prototype's making, or has been stripped out by me due to it being a ***** to maintain. As previously stated, most technology in the vessel appears to be edge worlds in origin (plus my own tweaks).
By filling this application you hereby agree to these terms and compliance with the Laws of Liberty and will be held responsible for any violation.