06-22-2022, 05:39 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-20-2024, 03:02 AM by The Unione Corse.
Edit Reason: Added Slog to the list of Banned commodities, as followed the News post.
INFO: This page is an information page on the law enforcement component of Provence.
By the Laws of Gallia,
The Unione Corse (UC/-) is hereby recognized as a law enforcement organization,
in theAutonomous Region of Provence.
Unione Corse - Law Enforcement Authority
Unione Corse - Autorità per l'applicazione di a lege
Unione Corse - Autorité chargée de l'application de la loi
This is the rewritten, corrected, recorded speech of Conseiller Amadeo Giovacchini, in charge of the Law Enforcement Authority of Provence, during the party held at Platform Borgia-3's Grand Hotel, celebrating the status of Provence, as anIndependent Protectorate.
¤¤¤¤¤We know that many of our brethren came from the streets, illiterate sometimes, some unable to wield a gun, or fly a jet, but this was the reality for Planet Marseille as a whole. Throughout the years, the Unione Corse, through its literate, influent and powerful people, did not forget their home, and not only protected it, even during the darkest hours, such as the Battleship Oblique Tragedy, but we also taught our kids how to read, how to spell, how to behave and how to dress. Nowadays, we are the polar opposite of that - we are what we dreamt of being.
The guide to the gentlemen officer
¤¤¤¤¤With the status of Provence - now an independent Protectorate, protected only by Gallia, but with our own laws, and the Unione Corse ruling the system, sheltering the Provencials from the criminals, the terrorists and the agitators from the Wild Taus next door, we have been granted the status of law enforcement in the Provence system. This is where your education comes in handy. While you know the big lines of law, you all do not know its technicalities or its loopholes as the officers do. This is why the LEA part of the Unione Corse is not readily available to the Initié or even to the Équipier immediately. You must follow a six-month additional formation with the Gallic Navy to be able to protect officially, our home.
¤¤¤¤¤While not being an officer in the Gallic Navy - this is obviously advantageous, as you won't have to be deployed in Kusari again to be killed for political reasons that goes not only above our heads, but are purely irrelevant to the safety and the sanctity of Provence. I would say this is an equal price to not be awarded regularly medals by a Navy officer - plus, we have our own.
The Corsican Code of Honor (Police version)
¤¤¤¤¤Of course, you shouldn't use the same ship you'd use when you're escorting a l'Âne with an obviously questionable cargo, but these ships are the pride of the Corsican ingenuity, and are legal, despite being based off Brigand's technology. The weaponry should be Corsican as well. The laws should be followed, but genuinely lost Freelancers, foreigners, or people that are not familiar should be given a fair and warm treatment instead of beating them down like in Liberty. If you are positive it was a honest mistake, and/or a victimless crime, explain them clearly what they have done wrong, and reminds them of the golden rule; at Rome, do as the Romans do - but contrary to the usual Gallic, we are not xenophobic, we are a hospitable people, because we too have known poverty, war and devastation.
¤¤¤¤¤The structure of the Law Enforcement Authority of Provence, or LEAP is simple.
Command Unit: Ground: this Command Unit leads the units dedicated to law enforcement duties on the ground, namely on Planet Marseille, and in its underwater cities. It is comprised of:
- 1st Battalion "Tavagna" - the first battalion, dedicated to law enforcement on Planet Marseille; enforcing law and order, cracking down on smuggling,
- 2nd Battalion "Castagniccia" - the second battalion, with the same roles as "Tavagna";
- Groupe Spécial d'Intervention Provençal (GSIP) - elite police tactical unit (PTU) dedicated to rapid response throughout Planet Marseille. Also operate in space.
Command Unit: Space: this Command Unit leads the units dedicated to law enforcement duties in space, namely in the Provence system, but also in Gallia and her surrounding systems, and to an extent, the Taus.
- 3rd Battalion "Monticellu" - dedicated to border controls and customs, with the Taus systems, and the Gallic Union, and the objectives as explained below.
¤¤¤¤¤The objectives of the Law Enforcement Authority of Provence is:
Protection of the Provence citizens, tourists, diplomatic missions and everyone present in the territory of Provence;
Combating organized crime, terrorism, drug trafficking, and foreign espionage;
Protecting the autonomy of Provence and the interests of the Provence government;
Enforcing the Laws of Provence (to be published).
The Code of Provence
This legal document serves as the foundation of justice within the Provence System. Upheld by the esteemed Law Enforcement Authority of Provence, its jurisdiction is over the stations within the system, Planet Marseille, and encompasses all individuals—citizens, tourists, or any others residing or passing through the Provence System. In its entirety, this code serves as a testament to the commitment to a just and equitable society.
Penalties, fines and other enforceable means
This Code describes, for each infraction of any article a penalty. A penalty may be:
A verbal warning issued by a member of the Law Enforcement Authority of Provence (LEAP), or any member of the Unione Corse;
A monetary fee, depending on the nature of the infraction, and the quantity for each. Same as above;
A partial or total seizure of the cargo;
The following actions are described as offenses, which infringes on the Code of the Provence System, which will result in a penalty as explained above.
Assault: the act of firing upon another ship without the express authorization or exception. (i.e. Bounty Hunters chasing after a contract).
Piracy: the act carried out by pirates to seize cargo, or demand money in an illegal manner.
Use of the system, and/or its facilities, as a staging point for military, or illegal operations.
Transit, and deployment of capital-class ships in the Provence system.
Trafficking of restricted and/or illegal commodities.
Other non-violent crimes, judged at the discretion of the officer.
Restrictions within Provence
The Provence system is a demilitarized region of space. The Provence autonomous region, contrary to the rest of the Gallic Union, upholds neutrality as a core concept, and does not wish to be dragged into ideological, economical, or any sort of conflict.
It is illegal for capital-class ships of any affiliation to be present within Provence. This includes Gallic Navy capital-class ships. It is, however, authorized, for the Gallic Navy, to pass through Provence with a capital-class ship - it is however illegal for the Gallic Navy, to use Provence, as a staging point for military operations of any kind. To operate a capital-class ship within Provence, the organization or House must petition in the licensing attribution center.
They must also agree not to use the capital-class ship(s) against citizens of Provence, or against the Unione Corse, any Provençal organization, or modular bases, and industry lawfully located in Provence, as well as not use Provence as a staging point for any military operations of any kind, as stated above.
It is illegal to possess, equip and/or produce restricted technological devices (i.e. Jump Drive) without a prior authorization from the Unione Corse and Provence. The full list of restricted and prohibited equipment is below. You can obtain an authorization to possess, equip, and/or produce by fulfilling a form in the licensing attribution center.
Restricted and banned commodities
Banned commodities
Black Market Light Arms
Black Market Munitions
Black Market Pharmaceuticals
Black Market Augments
Blood Diamonds
Cardamine and derivatives (Liquid Cardamine, Cardamine Cartridges, Shigeakiki...)
Restricted commodities
Light Arms (under the Self-Defense and Protection General License)
Nuclear Devices (under the Nuclear and Sensitive Materials General License)
Alien Organisms
Gaian Wildlife
Uranium (under the Nuclear General License)
Xeno Relics
MOX (under the Nuclear and Sensitive Materials General License)
Cobalt (under the Nuclear and Sensitive Materials General License)
Azurite Gas (under the Nuclear and Sensitive Materials General License, necessitate additional requirements)
Ablative Armor Plating
Gallic Marines, Marines (under the Self-Defense and Protection General Licence)
Military Salvage (under the Nuclear and Sensitive Materials General License)
Prototype Components (under the Nuclear and Sensitive Materials General License)
Passengers of any sort (specially restricted: cannot be transported without a proper ship to accommodate the passengers, i.e. a liner - except Marines and Gallic Marines; if the ship carrying passengers is a ship designed for such a task, this restriction is void).
Restricted Equipment (will be expanded)
Jump Drives
Alien and derivatives of alien equipment (Nomad Prototypes, etc.)
"Exotic" equipment (without authorization for production and/or possession)