Damask's Importance, Difficulties Subdued & General Description
⧫ Scope
⧫ Initiation
Damascus Research Station (DRS) was constructed by the Order Overwatch in hopes of laying a solid foundation for future OSD projects that will benefit the paramilitary in a number of ways. The high requirements based on scientific reasons make it crucial for progress in many aspects, including military, defense, and research. While Alexandria Blacksite and a few other research stations serve a specific purpose, DRS should provide comprehensive information regarding ongoing events, as well as analysis of various natural phenomena, alien organisms, advanced warfare, and a number of other factors. Threats posed by the Nomad, the Core, and the Hispanic require additional efforts to improve the technology within the various compartments of the Order. The station would therefore act as a rallying point for many scientists, in addition to the paramilitary and a wide variety of other organizations, including the Blood Dragons, Coalition, Zoners, and many others. Raphael Chandler, therefore, was the first to initiate the project by demanding a heavy logistical support package from the Order Overwatch to enable him to build a dominant space installation for the organization.
⧫ Objectives
Evolving Nomad threat has concerned many agents, knowing they shouldn't underestimate their aggressiveness and cooperation with different human individuals and organizations. Hence, it's crucial to prepare to counter the incoming hostiles by any means adequately. Although the paramilitary is already prepared for any case scenario, it's advised to take any possible precautions. The DRS would serve as a line of defense against the predators by investigating their nature and adapting technology to oppose them. By utilizing the advanced equipment, we'd efficiently respond to threats of any sort. Regardless, advancing any equipment requires a competent team of scientists. The station congregates scientists from various sites and even diverse groups to centralize its projects and accelerate the ongoing progress. Thereby, agents can equip themselves with modern modules and equipment to effortlessly conduct their assignments -- as something the Order is known for, advancing against its opponents technologically to their advantage.
⧫ Project Statement
Several specialist teams, investigators, engineers, marines, and general crew members are available on board the station during the day and night, managing logistics and science teams, and ensuring the station's development. There is a sense of unity between both of them since they have definite goals in mind. Based on their needs, the squad investigates marketing and prioritizes objectives. Through this method, they are able to control the station's economy and reap the benefits of experimentation. Engineers design and construct factories and laboratories to accommodate scientific inquiries, while scientists investigate scientific matters and analyze space materials, events, and organisms. Projects are overseen by marines while the general crew works on their completion. Together, crew members listen to each other's concerns and plan projects before they begin.
⧫ Major Limitations
It is necessary to adjust to the limitations and consequences of each project, since each has certain limits. In the early days, the Order was severely limited in their logistical support. They were frequently attacked by the Nomads, and suffered from general hostility from the rest of the world. This left hardly any room for advancement. The Nomads significantly delayed the progress of the project due to heavy attacks in the early stages, which aimed to destroy the base and its foundation. DRS was able to prevail due to the successful defense by Primary Fleet, despite all of the danger surrounding it. It should be noted, however, that there were many other issues to consider, such as the crew. A lack of capacity at the base made the gathering of scientific teams challenging in the early days. A series of internal system failures, meteoroids, and space debris contributed to further delaying the creation of the defensive shield. The engineers had already adapted to the requirements and malfunctions by that time. In spite of these limitations, DRS has managed to achieve significant growth within the paramilitary.
⧫ Approval
DRS Project was approved by Order Overwatch on 16-APR-827 AS and recognized as one of the primary assignments of the Order's Science Division. As evidenced by the recent logistical guidance, Primary Fleet is committed to ensuring the safety and development of the station. Within a short period of time, it was placed under the direct control of the Order Overwatch High Command, in which OSD was the primary ruling authority.
⧫ Logs
Administration daily compiles reports according to the progress done so far, with Dr. Chandler as the leading director. They're typically saved within the Damask's Network (Central Database).
⧫ APR-827
It is undoubtedly stressful for our engineers to begin constructing the defensive shield while frequent Nomad assaults are occurring. Despite this solid foundation in Akabat's orbit, we cannot be considered completely safe. Our efforts have been observed by them, and I believe that they wish to take any decisive action in an effort to halt the development. As far as I can recall, logistics teams provided us with the supplies needed to assemble the shield. The supplies originated from distant Rheinland, from our allies, the Bundschuh. The good news is that I have found a draft I designed a while back in reference to another line of defense - the shield, which is a large barrier that surrounds the base. By applying electromagnetic fields and electric fields, further strengthened by plasma and solid light, it functions as a pure force capable of deflecting high-density weapon particles as well as extreme space radiation and debris. If a threat is detected, the barrier is activated, allowing allied vessels to dock with the station without being hindered by the barrier. In the initial stages, we considered it impossible to establish a solid energetic barrier. As a result, inevitable consequences ensued. Even though the Nomads attacked our station, the station was somewhat impacted by energetic cosmic rays, along with those emanating from Mu's star.
Several modules had been assembled prior to the encounter with hostile aggression, including modules for storage, which served as an extension of the available cargo capacity. We were able to continue building factories, laboratories, advanced transit networks, and a number of upgrades as a result of the shield module itself. It was our intention to compile several blueprints for a modern Order model for laboratories by recognizing the station as a research base, allowing us a greater level of freedom in our research. Freedom grants the ability to process and utilize Nomad materials and advanced projects. During that time, we were about halfway through the construction process. Fortunately, we have constructed docking bays, begun building the Damask Network, and established gravity throughout the entire base. Well. Nearly, I'd say. As a result of recent meteoroid punctures on decks A-551 and B-11E, we were forced to put out flames quickly, causing a number of problems. Mainly problems with gravity and de-pressurization. Luckily, we avoided any casualties, despite the fact dozens of our crew were in life danger after the incident. The possibility of transporting them back to Akabat was not considered feasible. I have proposed the installation of a hospital within the base which proved to be a relatively successful initiative, so we have made the decision to install one in the sole beginning for emergency operations such as these.
It was difficult to cope without the defensive shield. As a result of space radiation, space debris, hostile aggression, and sharpnel, the base has been severely weakened. The logistics department worked diligently until the necessary supplies were delivered to the base shield, extending from one end to another, protecting it from such threats. We were able to work under safer conditions as engineers and scientists knew the energetic boundary would swallow and disperse any particles that might damage the station. For my future plans, I intend to build additional storage facilities, hospitals, a central bridge over the base, and similar facilities. Thereby, I end my first monthly report. Dr Raphael Chandler and administration of the DRS, signing out.
⧫ MAY-827
We are nearing the end of the first phase of the DRS. Since then, we have bolstered it with an active, energetic wall, increased the station's volume, and ordered additional supplies to prepare for the upgrade. Also, we've established a source of power, Solar Arrays. Solar cells convert energy into electricity. These cells are purified chunks of silicon. Together, the two sets of arrays are capable of producing enough energy to power the station and serve as a stable energy source. A process called photovoltaics is used to convert light directly into electricity. As of right now, they are limited, however, they are sufficient to meet our current needs. Using these generators, the entire base, including the factories and modules, is powered by 150 kilowatts of electrical power. The arrays are minimal, located at the back of the base, connected with the sole center of the station. I imagine we'll need to improve and position them properly in the future. With the energetic barrier in place, they are less vulnerable than they were before.
A further distinction should be made between two types of storage modules. Internal and external. Both serve the same purpose but work differently from one another. Engineers can quickly access supplies arranged from the exterior storage module by using the internal storage facilities. Essentially, the external module functions as a fast connection to the logistics process, allowing them to dispose of their resources more efficiently. At the moment of speech, we have two sets of storage units. The addition of additional layers of high-grade lightweight steel will further protect them from further deterioration. As a means of confirming the effectiveness of these protective layers, high-density laser beams were cast to test their effectiveness. We connect modules appropriately in order to control pressurization. For the purpose of securing a seal between sites, they are usually interconnected. A number of automatic latching mechanisms are used in our devices to connect several units together, causing dozens of connecting bolts to be tightened with great force. By exerting such force, the tendency for the modules to separate against internal pressure is countered.
Thanks to the primary fleet, we have been able to significantly reduce alien aggression. Our construction of different labs, factories, docking ports, and recreation rooms has significantly increased the capacity of the station over the past few years. In the interim, we have recruited hundreds of additional scientists and engineers to the station. We are constantly supplied with supplies by our logistics department. To facilitate the construction of different factories and the expansion of the base, we upgraded the life-support system to accommodate additional crew members. As a result, we upgrade monitoring equipment, which keeps us informed of atmospheric pressure, oxygen levels, waste, and water, as well as fire detection and suppression systems. I'll avoid explaining how it works for the time being. Nevertheless, automation and electronics operate smoothly, as engineers maintain them. As of now, our objective is to enhance the base and construct necessary modules (storage, upgrades to the shield barrier, electronics, general maintenance, Damask's network, and emergency operations) so that advanced high-tech compartments can be constructed.
⧫ Location & Orientation
⧫ Akabat's Orbit
The DRS — assembly complete in 827 A.S., is to be an enormous Research and Development installation orbiting the Akabat, a terrestrial moon of Planet Nebet located deep within the Omicron Mu. The DRS is to have a pressurized volume of 4560 m3 and a mass of 1,873,310 kg. Its solar arrays can generate 180 kW-hours of electrical power. The DRS will have a structure that measures 109 m (across arrays) by 51 m, an orbital altitude of 24600 km, an orbital inclination of 47.2°, and a crew of 400 (06/07/826 A.S.). Building the DRS requires 50 Repair Ships alongside freighters and transports supplying it. DRS moves at 23,000 kilometers per hour, completing approximately 0.516 orbits per day. It's moving in a nearly circular pattern around Akabat, with an altitude of 24600 km, and a maximum of 34710 km. The atmospheric drag of Akabat tends to reduce the altitude by 7 km a month; however, engineers and repair ships make sure its stable. There is an imperfect repetition of orbital tracking over the identical area every 29 days.
⧫ Orientation
DRS uses reaction wheels and thrusters to orientate itself accordingly. They do not require a propellant. RW uses electricity to preserve the momentum in flywheels by turning the opposing direction to the movement. Station has computers controlled by artificial intelligence software that handles the additional mass. Upon saturation, thrusters cancel the momentum. In case of failure, Repairships, using the specially designed Nanotools, can contain the orientation, hence, adjusting it in large quantities. Orbital movement sometimes inflicts in different directions, needing the most immediate answer. The most suitable response is to dispatch a wing of repairships.
Structural Design
⧫ Structural Design
In order to create an airtight structure, the Damascus Research Station is constructed from a variety of materials, including titanium and lightweight steel, as well as aluminum alloy plates (92% aluminum, 6% copper, and 2% other elements). These features enable space structures to be puncture-resistant and reliable while protecting the interior from different types of radiation. These materials are further reinforced by additional layers of Kevlar, porcelain, and advanced materials, which form a coating of up to 30 centimeters thick that surrounds the aluminum shells of the station. It provides protection against the impact of meteoroids that travel at a high speed. A padded Type-ORDY shielding, constructed using Kevlar, protects the station from debris and meteoroids.
There are thin aluminum panels on the exterior of the shielding system, which are designed to disintegrate meteoroids upon impact with them, and an inner Kevlar and Nextel aluminum oxide framework that uses energy to prevent the meteoroids from punching through the internal pressure wall. Consequently, a cloud of molten shells appears behind the bumper, causing a transient diffusion of momentum that supports the shield in its resistance to the force of the impact. Type-ORDY bumpers contain a unique alloy of aluminum separate from the casing of the underlying module. Essentially, the bumper serves a single purpose. At the moment of collision, high-velocity objects are disintegrated and vaporized. The remaining particles of the object usually migrate between the Type-ORDC bumper and the Type-ORDY bumper, dispersing the remaining energy over a greater area.
Type-ORDY bumper contains an external bumper, a catcher, and typically one or more unique layers that lie underneath the materials. A design of this type offers enhanced performance over conventional padded shielding, and secondary excrement is less likely to be re-produced. Integrated aluminum alloys form the exposed cover, which is accompanied by a shield that consists of 10 Nextel panels and 10 Kevlar panels wrapped in a single coating. In addition to being fracture resilient, the aluminum alloy can be weld and is not susceptible to corrosion cracks. In this manner, it covers the bulk of the station and structural membranes. Five panes of glass are contained within the DRS windows, with a thickness ranging from 12 to 14 inches. Their active nature allows you to observe the entire universe from a magnificent vantage point.
A further measure of protection can be provided by the addition of aluminum shutters. Glass typically consists of metallic glass that has firm properties against micrometeoroids. In contrast, metallic glass metals are amorphous and possess a glassy appearance. In the presence of freezing temperatures, amorphous metals exhibit superconductivity and provide decent electrical conductivity. The air pressure from inside the base exerts a great deal of force, weighing 6.8 kg per square inch, and causing the internal pressure to become unbalanced as a result. The base is adorned with such window panes. A wide range of services and facilities are available at this station, including dealerships, laboratories, crew accommodation, safety systems, recreation space, guest rooms, a central bridge, experimental biodomes, displays, extensive monitoring of the station's properties, and similar amenities.
⧫ Storage
From the contract-built multipurpose replenishment module, the permanent multipurpose replenishment module is a relatively recyclable pressure component used for transporting cargo from and to the station. It can accommodate up to 51 racks of equipment, experiments, and more and has the capability to hold up to 5,500 cubic meters of pressure for storage and scientific use. It is possible to connect a remote-controlled electrical umbilical cord to the station's power supply in order to power equipment and experiments within the storage module. There is an approximate output of 8 kilowatts, which is the equivalent of 30 kilowatt hours of electricity. In order to store the additional power, the power generated is used to recharge the generator's existing capacity. Length: 79.3 meters; mass: 10,021 kilograms; cargo capability: 90,000 kilograms; pressurized volume: 2708.6 cubic meters; habitable capacity: 3,100 cubic meters
⧫ Defence
The station is equipped with a sophisticated defence system that includes a shield generator, as well as multiple weapon platforms in space. Platforms such as these provide a significant amount of fire support. The effectiveness of these systems is not limited to providing low-level tactical support, but also in detecting and identifying potential threats. When activated, these weapons, which may consist of a single laser, can also reach other targets. The capability is applicable to both single weapon systems and multi-weapon systems; for example, a single laser can be used to kill or maim individuals within a 6klicks radius in response to emergency calls. An integrated launch mechanism and simultaneous entry capability enable the system to conduct missions against multiple targets from a central location. Multiple base systems (platforms) can simultaneously launch multi-material weapons. Heavy assault rounds of the "Cerberus" class also carried specialized weapons systems. Despite their various stages of development, most of these weapons were highly advanced weapons capable of destroying everything from a space fighter to a warship. It is important to stress the fact that these devices, although only half operational, are extremely powerful and capable of destroying large numbers of ships.
⧫ Docking Bays
Essentially, a docking bay is an area where spacecraft can unload or receive cargo. There were a number of common characteristics among docking bays regardless of their size depending on where they were located. The docking bays of space stations and star bases were always situated on the exterior edges of the structures. It is the process of connecting two separate free-flying spacecraft by docking. Docking ships on the space station is achieved through the creation of a gravitational pull. A gravity-based system is used. It is only when gravity is present that the ship's internal pressure can be maintained at a level that allows it to be transported in an object-like manner and without occupying a great deal of space. Gravitational pulls may be used to launch a system into space without affecting its dynamics. An unbroken long corridor, commonly referred to as the "Dock A-Class" system, is believed to be the first major structure at both stations. This docking structure is composed of a series of modules. A docking system comprises three main entrances leading to a series of docking stations along a long track. The most prominent docking station is located on the second level of the docking system. There are numerous corridors connecting the docking stations, most of which are located under a circular track. Docking stations are most commonly used for research and development activities, while the other two are used for production.
⧫ Laboratories & Transit
Many segments of the space station are connected by corridors. A large portion of the space station is devoted to laboratories for research purposes. The computer systems within the station are being enhanced through the use of advanced nanotechnology. It is also possible to take advantage of the station's control systems in order to improve the efficiency of the power grid. One of the main advantages is the use of an electronic power source to control the computer. Moreover, a single electronic switch is used to support communication between the laboratory and docking equipment. In conjunction with the installation of the computer, the electronic switch is connected to a standard electrical system. Integrated sensors are provided on the docking system to monitor the interconnections between modules and a single set of electronic sensors is provided on the computer. A considerable number of sensors and equipment control equipment are also included in the system.
⧫ Factories
Many factories are utilized by the Space Station for the production of sophisticated equipment, such as surveillance modules, hyperspace breach modules, and similar modules. A full-length mission could be carried out with about 80% of the equipment used for the station's operations, as well as its scientific and technical research matters. Modules provide an "electro-optic coupling" of a transponder and a payload, producing a data packet and, in some cases, an image. Additionally, an antenna is incorporated into the module to detect excessive radiation. For applications requiring a wide range of modulation frequencies, the transponder provides a wide array of modulation frequencies Depending on the module, additional performance benefits and even better bandwidth can be achieved: as a result, most of the time they are able to be used simultaneously. There is also an option for a module to provide even more bandwidth.
⧫ Solar Arrays
Efficiency of the cells and the ability to use solar energy are two of the most important components of an energy storage system. A battery or other rechargeable element can have an efficiency comparable to that of a solar cell since there is a significant demand for energy during every generation of an energy system. With the use of other materials and other energy sources, solar power can also be used to heat and cool. In contrast, a battery and its charger can last for several years on a single charge, whereas any other method is extremely expensive. This work involves finding a variety of materials (the same as for any battery, but using solar cells as an electrolytic material rather than an electrolytic cell) capable of conducting their own energy storage technology for an extended period of time. After modifying our solar power system for our specific technology, we will be able to utilize its energy storage capacity for decades to come.
⧫ Update on the status and recent developments of the base.
A detailed report on our research base has not been published for some time now. My first point is that the base has undergone many changes, mainly those designed to increase the overall capacity of our sophisticated factories. In order to expand the base's overall crew capacity, we established a variety of foundations that proved successful. In addition to the Omicrons, we sought participation from other friendly groups that provided us with resources on a regular basis. A number of obstacles have been overcome, such as installing a reliable life support system, gravity, the quality of manufacturing additional modules, and so on. Despite the inconveniences we encountered, I believe that all this was part of our effort to make technology more user-friendly so that we would be able to execute our mission more efficiently. In summary, our scientists have been working diligently for the past year.
Our engineers began to develop plans for additional factories as soon as our base's capacity was enlarged. A major part of our work is dedicated to the production of modules, as well as updating the fleet of the Order as a way to maintain an up-to-date experience. Having gained extensive experience in setting up logistics over the years, gathering resources has become a habit for us. Our decision to build several sophisticated factories, along with additional measures to ensure the safety of the crew, was made in the light of the fact that the base and the majority of the scientific division are primarily under the control of the high command of the Order. For problems to be solved through innovation, a team of engineers needs to be assembled in order to work together. Our efforts thus have resulted in many solutions to some of the most complex installation issues of the modern days.
Service modules on a spacecraft allow the vehicle to store a number of sensors that will provide information to the vehicle's operator concerning the condition of the spacecraft. One of the sensors is an optical image sensor with a high resolution that is used to track conditions under a variety of conditions. An additional sensor is located at a specific spot on the surface of the spacecraft. This capsule contains a sensor that provides information regarding the orbital trajectory of the satellite, including its location and altitude, as well as a view of its nearest star system or exoplanet. The electromagnetic cloaking devices allow certain objects, such as spaceships, to be invisible to certain parts of the spectrum by interacting partially or completely with them.
Cloaking is characterized by several methods. Perhaps the best known form is "darkening", which can also be used for invisibility since the beam's electromagnetic frequency is so close to zero as to be invisible to the naked eye. According to the Order's Science Division, DRS factories utilize updated technology and are stored in the base's most secure compartments. Technology of this kind is also employed in the construction of anti-stealth devices that repel the Stealth devices. In addition, survey and hyperspace modules operate via the supercharger, whose power is determined by the voltage from the power supply. By adjusting pressure and cutting oxygen, carrier bays are mechanical components of the station designed to accommodate ships docking with it.
It has become necessary for the DRS program to develop systems and procedures in order to reduce the risk of meteoroid or debris impacts on the ship and its crew. A large majority of meteoroids cannot penetrate the shield generator. A special rocket probe is used to redirect larger meteroids in a different direction after they are identified. It has become necessary for the DRS program to develop systems and procedures. This will reduce the risk of meteoroid or debris impacts on the ship and its crew. A large majority of meteoroids cannot penetrate the shield generator. A special rocket probe is used to redirect larger meteoroids in a different direction after they are identified.
A prolonged exposure to radiation - referred to as the total dose - gradually impairs the performance of the instruments of the space station over the course of time. Nevertheless, due to the use of advanced materials, the risk is minimal. As for pressure control, there is 14.7 psi of atmospheric pressure in Damask, the same pressure that people encounter at sea level on Akabat. 1.022 Akabat-atmospheres of pressure differential are handled by the structure. When the differential pressure rises to 1.014 atm (1027 hPa), the Pressure Relief Segment opens and removes air from the cabin in order to keep it from reaching this level.
Personnel is kept alive by a station's life support system, which consists of food, water, and air. The station's communication capabilities, as well as this system, are essential to ensuring that the crew is able to complete the mission without incurring costly or life-threatening injuries within a short period of time. In this report, the state of the art of liquid lubrication for space applications is also described. In this paper, we discuss techniques for liquid lubrication, as well as effects of the space environment on the lubrication of bearings. We also discuss classifications of lubricants, liquid lubricant additives, grease lubrication, mechanisms, bearing anomalies, and lubricant supply techniques. The performance and safety of a system are not always affected by liquid lubrication.
Most commonly implemented and most commonly used lubrication methods are based on solid metal or aluminum. While solid metal lubrication is applicable to a variety of applications, performance-oriented applications are generally considered to be the most important ones. An oiled seal may become damaged if a surface condition such as dust or water in the air causes an oiled seal to become unlubricated. Typically, metal lubrication is used in small tanks, small spaces, when a surface condition such as dust or water causes a problem with the seal. An oiled lubricated seal can be constructed using liquid lubrication. The station also utilizes sets of Elektromagnetic radiation detectors, alongside electronic systems that control most of the processes. Therefore, the station needs to be maintained on a daily basis in order to function properly. Upkeep comprises of specialized repair ships, general crew mending segments within the base, alongside many automated processes taking place.