Transmission received
Code recognised as NT-X593C-69-4xNarita-KUCOM
Decrypting.... Recipient:Kobayashi Station, John Silver Sender:Santo Kaisa Mizui Naruhito, IKN-Akagi Date:10.08.829 A.S. Subject:Status Review - VI-8 Priority:Medium
Haikei Mr. Silver or any other available representative of the Kobayashi Station.
In accordance to paragraph VI-8, Imperial Stellar Codex of Kusari, a status review on your installation was conducted over alleged claims of the facility being deserted. The data collected by one of our pilots suggests this is indeed the case. In accordance to paragraph VI-8, you are now formally obligated to state whether operations have been abandoned or what your future intentions with the installations are. Failure to comply to this inquiry, will schedule the installation to be dismantled by Kusari authority units in exactly 2 weeks from now on.
In case we receive formal confirmation by your side that the installation is indeed in the process of being abandoned, we take the liberty to offer our assistance in a coordinated dismantling process.
Transmission received
Code recognised as NT-X593C-69-4xNarita-KUCOM
Decrypting.... Recipient:Kobayashi Station, John Silver Sender:Santo Kaisa Mizui Naruhito, IKN-Akagi Date:21.08.829 A.S. Subject:Status Review - VI-8 Priority:Medium
Haikei representative of the Kobayashi Station.
We are closing in to the 72 hours mark and still see no reaction from your side.
Regular monitoring of the installation confirms that its decay only progressed further.
We will check in once more 24 hours prior to the scheduled deconstruction.
Transmission received
Code recognised as NT-X593C-69-4xNarita-KUCOM
Decrypting.... Recipient:Kobayashi Station, John Silver Sender:Santo Kaisa Mizui Naruhito, IKN-Akagi Date:24.08.829 A.S. Subject:Status Review - VI-8 Priority:Medium
Haikei representative of the Kobayashi Station.
Due to sector wide occurring communication delays and disruptions on August 23rd, we delay the operation and grant you a grace period of 24 hours to respond.