The Roma Invicta is a fairly recently constructed space station seeking to become an autonomous city state within the Corsair Empire. The inhabitants find themselves dissatisfied with the state of Corsair traditions and affairs and have opted to create a new culture and way, using a mishmash of Earth's past cultures and beliefs. Sporting a robust defense network and a fortified shield array, as well as a recon scanner for any potential threats, the self-styled Romans are always prepared to defend themselves if need be. A mix of modern technology and stone architecture deck the halls of the station as well as it's many different facilities, even sporting a wrestling arena and some manner of media studio they have set up. In addition the station is built to support launching exploration missions into unknown space, having designated scout ships with jump drives, a decent base for supplies regarding survival as well as fuel for jumping. Work is bustling on the station, foreign dignitaries often visit and there is an effort for a cultural renaissance. Inwardly focused, the Romans have chosen to change themselves whether the Empire follows or not.
Guard Post Alpha Arena
Docking Rights
Neutral or good standing with the Corsairs
One may petition to establish a business aboard
A station established through the contributions of it's inhabitants as well as sympathizers spread throughout Sirius. Originally conceived simply as a platform to be towed by a Nephilim, the impractical nature of acquiring such a ship from the Zoners, as well as the danger of taking the whole population into unknown space, caused Caesar to instead settle for placing the station between Mykonos and Naxos, and turning it into a fortress-city, always keeping orbit between the two celestial bodies using thrusters, in order to bolster its defensive position.
Construction began as soon as possible, and materials across Sirius were imported through neutral parties, generally through Samura contractors, but also through Freelancers. The initial construction was unfit for large scale habitation, but this was quickly rectified as it received the proper modules in order to expand, as well having several heavy weapon platforms installed and paired with the station's defense matrix.
Followers and sympathizers were brought on board, presented with the finished product and offered facilities for various purposes, and soon a bustling internal economy based on exchanging services and goods emerged. Caesar personally would pay for all imports to the station, ensuring that whatever was not produced domestically would be more than enough to cover the needs of all.
Deep Space Exploration
Military development
Full Autonomy
Creating And Distributing Media & Art
Diplomatic Outreach
Economic Development