From time to time, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities has priority assignments that it decides to entrust to contracted individuals when resources are tied up elsewhere or a professional service is required.
Not really fitting the general Subcontracting category, we have decided to organize those assignments under the MISSIONS category and consider them as high value tasks that deserve a bit more priority attention than the routine contracts for our Logistical operations.
If any of the following publicly posted missions interest you and your crews and/or fleet, we encourage you to participate.
All rewards for completion are paid out upon reporting completion details via this communication channel or alternatively the Subcontracting if desired. These missions count as tasks towards our Free Universal Cargo Insurance Coverage Program as well. And, of course, it is assumed that all participants are friendly with the Interspace Commerce ID and able to land on any lawful bases required.
Keep the routes safe!
Fly in a combat vessel around the most popular trade routes.
Offer free escort service to lawful trade vessels encountered. Routes:
Any house home system to any other house home system. Mission completion requirements:
Visual image with time captured of the STARTING and ENDING points
Ship logs of all encounters during patrol
Mission summary report Mission pay:
250,000 credits
Extra pay for mission efforts can be earned by further reporting in the Subcontracting Channel under Escort Pay, should an escort be undertaken.
Criminal Behavior in the open: Mission:Reporting on illegal activities
Many times out there during the course of one's chosen career we observe glimpses of activity that crosses the line of lawful trading and behavior. Government lawful forces realize that they can't be everywhere at once, so often they rely on the information from concerned citizens in order to bring such criminals to justice.
Observe and report on any breaches of the law you encounter in the field, reporting visual time-stamped records.
Important things of note for this mission:
Know your laws and regions. Contraband in one region is perfectly acceptable, often with just a license, in another region. House Laws and Areas of Authority LINK
Only interact with the law breaker on a casual basis if engaged - you are not the law and should not attempt to correct the problematic behavior. (//OORP Unless it is obviously from a newer player, of course)
Successful observation and indisputable evidence of the crime will earn vessel reward pay. Proof of deed required through template communication here in addition to a brief mission report.
Mission completion requirements:
Visual image with time captured of crime in progress, with shipname in view
Mission summary report
[font=Orbitron][size=x-large][color=#53C5E1]All Worlds Enterprises & Securities[/color][/size][/font]
[size=large][font=Courier Prime]- MISSION REPORT[/font][/size]
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#00BFFF][size=large]Contractor Name:[/size][/color][/font] [font=Open Sans]Please insert company or freelancer name here[/font]
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#00BFFF][size=large]Vessel Identity:[/size][/color][/font] [font=Open Sans]Please insert your vessel identity here[/font]
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#00BFFF][size=large]Contractor's bank account for payment:[/size][/color][/font] [font=Open Sans]Please include bank account[/font]
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#00BFFF][size=large]Mission Report:[/size][/color][/font] [font=Open Sans]Please provide brief report on your mission[/font]
[*][font=Montserrat][color=#00BFFF][size=large]Logs of MISSION:[/size][/color][/font]
[spoiler=Ship Logs Documentation - required to establish start and stop of MISSION]
[font=Open Sans]
Please insert Ship Log documents here
[spoiler=Digital Scan Documentation - required for location and time proof of completion]
[font=Open Sans]
Please insert digital scan documents here
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities - MISSION REPORT
Contractor Name:AWES
Vessel Identity:AWES-Chris.Blair
Contractor's bank account for payment:Pro bono efforts today
Mission Report:My journey from Rheinland to Bretonia was routine with no piracy or hostile issues to speak of. Several traders were encountered during the way. That is all.
//Patrol path from Planet New Berlin to Planet New London
[24.09.2022 14:20:25] /time
[24.09.2022 14:20:25] 2022-09-24 14:20:23 SMT
[24.09.2022 14:24:11] AWES-Chris.Blair: Good day, {DHC}Erlangen!
[24.09.2022 14:24:21] {DHC}Erlangen: Guten Tag!
[24.09.2022 14:25:48] AWES-Chris.Blair: Good day, akira!
[24.09.2022 14:33:52] AWES-Chris.Blair: Good day, Zeta.Foxtrot.Blue!
[24.09.2022 14:41:00] /time
[24.09.2022 14:41:00] 2022-09-24 14:40:58 SMT
[24.09.2022 14:41:09] 2022-09-24 14:41:07 SMT Traffic control alert: AWES-Chris.Blair has requested to dock