As members of the discovery community, we do accept any constructive ones. Please keep it clean and keep hateful or hurtful comments to yourself.
Before you start asking questions or comment, we’ve decided to create a little “Questions and Answers”.
Q: Was is Humanity Hope?
A: Humanity hope is a zoner transhumanist pseudo religious/scientific collective. While we understand that religion can offend some people, in roleplay, the use is a front to our real goals.
Q: What is your primary goal(s)?
A: We, in roleplay, plan on doing God’s work. Humans are imperfect and we believe that “biotech” is the best way to achieve immortality.
Q: What is biotech?
A: Its enhancement via DNA modifications, biological remplacements. We don’t think that cyberwares is how humanity will advance.
Q: Zoner? Why not be part of the Technocracy of Auxo?
A: While we share some common ideas, their militaristic approach, violence and coercion
of is not something that we, in roleplay, have interest in. Being zoners will provide us the freedom required to the project.
Q: What do you think your faction will bring to the server?
A: We want to explore a different roleplay. Our members are already part of established factions and have interest in getting out of their zone of confidence.
Q: Who are these members?
A: At his moment, since it’s a side project, we decided that we will stay anonymous.
Q: Do you plan on seeking officialdom at some point?
A: Not at this moment. Humanity Hope is a side project. Most of us are already busy with other ingame factions and real life come first.
Q: You obviously are not knowledgeable in sciences or medicine so why even try to roleplay something like this?
A: Oh great we got a time traveler here! Today SciFi is tomorrow's science. If you advance centuries ahead, the current knowledge might be outdated. If you do travel in time, ping us, we are interested in traveling with you.
Q: I have read your story and I'm interested. How do i get in?
A: We will recruit new members of interest via ingame/forum Roleplay. We will be picky on who we will allow in.
Q: I have found many spelling and syntax errors in your story. You going to Redact?
A: As soon our english native speaking member have time to fix it (Real life come first)