This is a yearly reminder that while the holidays are a joyous time for many of us to be with friends and family, it could also be the darkest, loneliest time for others. It is important for anybody here who calls themselves a leader - whether it be a community leader, faction leader, or an overall leader of a social/Discord group, to take stock of those within our circles and make sure everybody has a place to be over the holidays, even if it's with friends on Freelancer. Often times people won't be open to discussing their emotions. Some warning signs may include mood swings, behavioral changes, or isolation. If in doubt, ask the question and follow up.
I will be checking this account every day. If you don't have people you feel comfortable reaching out to, please contact me. At the very least I can connect you with good people that you can spend time with, whether it be flying convoys or just blowing stuff up.
We don't always get along here, but this is still a community and we need to look out for our own.
It ain't about what you are capable of, it's about what you're willing to do.