United Kingdom of Bretonia
A Guide To Bretonian Politics
This document contains the up-to-date information about the political landscape of Bretonia and her royal subjects for use in understanding the roleplay conducted by the various departments and characters of BretGov. Please note that this thread is purely ooRP for the time being. Should players desire, communication with the various political parties is also possible, however large agreements may most likely fail as the groups ultimately still fall under the watchful eyes of the Police Authority and other governmental bodies.
For feedback or other questions, please utilize our dedicated thread in the BretGov section.
How The Kingdom Functions
The politics of the Kingdom function within a constitutional monarchy where executive power is delegated by legislation and social conventions to a unitary parliamentary democracy. From this a hereditary monarch, currently Carina I, serves as head of state while the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Ambrister Jones, serves as the elected head of government.
The Kingdom's parliamentary system sees executive power exercised by the Bretonian government, appointed on behalf of the monarch. This executive branch overlaps and is formed by members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Bretonia where legislative power is vested in the two parliamentary chambers of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
A Battle For Influence
For the better part of its existence, the Kingdom has been ruled by the Crown Royalists and their off-branch, the Whigs, working against the united forces of the Liberal Party, the Social Democratic Federation and the Green Party.
At large, Bretonia presently 2 dominant parties, the Crown Royalists, and the Whigs, both of which contend alongside or against the smaller, but still relevant, remaining political groups. Currently, the Crown Royalists hold the majority in both the upper and lower Houses, and the current Ambrister Cabinet has a slim majority in the government.
Where They Stand, And Why
- Whigs
- Center-Right; Right-Wing Minority;
- Favors Nationalized Corporations;
- Pragmatic; Closer ties with Liberty.
- Crown Royalists
- Right-Wing to Far-Right; Ultranationalist minority;
- Favors Nationalized Corporations;
- Imperialist; Alliance with or establishment of puppet government in Rheinland; Helping the Crayter Republic establish itself in the Taus; Economic integration with Crayter Republic; Desires to form an anti-Liberty coalition following attacks in Vespucci and threats of invasion.
- Liberal Party
- Center;
- Favors Foreign Corporations; Favors privatization of nationalized corporations;
- State Capitalism; Alliance with Liberty; Favors alliance with Crayter; firm anti-Rheinland and Kusari sentiments.
- Social Democratic Federation
- Center-Left to Left-Wing;
- Nationalization of strategic industries; Implementation of socialist reforms into the corporations; Firmly for more worker rights;
- Isolationist; Desires partnership with IMG.
- Green Party
- N/A (Big Tent); Far-Left minority
- Firmly against unrestricted industrialization; Favors implementation of strict regulations on corporations;
- Isolationist or N/A (Party is focused largely on economic aspects).
Behind The Curtains
Officially, only the political parties get to freely amend the laws and pass various bills and acts. However, due to the long and costly wars that the Kingdom engaged in, a significant portion of the power has been kept into the hands of the Armed Forces, the Police Authority, and the Intelligence Service. Significant lobby power also lays in the hands of the two largest Bretonian corporations. Bowex and BMM.
Of greatest relevance in recent years is the shift in foreign policy initiated by the Ambrister Cabinet after Liberty's dismissal of the Harris and Curacao treaties and the subsequent degradation of relations between the two allies. Instead, it advocates for approachment with Rheinland, which maintains an Imperial majority that stands as a close ally of the Crown and many important families in Bretonia -- marking one of the first times when neither House has sought to fight bitterly over the rich Omega systems.
Despite this, the move was organized and pushed not only by the Crown Royalists, but also by the new, hawkish, commanders in the BAF, as well as by the Defence Secretary. In addition, the MoD has also ventured to lobby for closer ties with Kusari, in hopes of removing any danger of potential clashes over the Taus as Bretonia prepares to fund more frequent expeditions into the region together with the Crayter Republic once rebuilding will be completed.
This influential group has also pushed for the formation of a system of marches, setting the first blocks for a future campaign to expand the Kingdom's borders. But, with shipyards unable to replenish losses as fast and a lack of trained manpower, these distant goals remain just that -- distant goals. At present, the powers wielded by this controlling group, led by the BAF and SIS, serve only as a means of concretizing a 4th power of the state, steering the Kingdom forward using friends in high places.