Ident. Jadyn "Grimwolfe" Giles Loc. & Date Pennsylvania, 16APR834 Station Allentown Base Subject Necessary Evils
Jadyn sits in front of the camera looking over plans.
One of the things I learned early on in my career as a Hunter was some criminals are a necessary evil.
He glances up to the camera and back to the plans.
I'm speaking of Lane Hackers. Out of all of the criminal elements in Liberty and beyond, they possess an almost uncanny knack for being useful when you least expect it. That's why I go through painful acts to ensure that I maintain a rosy appearance to them whenever dealing with them. Despite my...distaste for the other criminal elements (Rogues, Outcasts, etc.), the Hackers have a warm place in my heart...mostly because of their technical prowess and the fact that I might need them at varying intervals.
He adjusts apart of the plan he is staring at and tweaks a few things before continuing.
Sure, you could say that I could reach out to the Technocracy for help in those matters. Truthfully, though...those people give me the creeps. Technology is great and all...hell I even have implants of my own that regulate various functions in my bio-structure...but I dunno. Too many unknowns for my liking. At least with the Hackers, you know what you're getting and you know what you owe for those services. Cardamine or credits. As simple of a transaction as you can get. With the never know what you might owe them.
He leans back away from the plans and sighs, his hands clasped across his chest.
Picked up some experimental weapons for the Harvest from some Hackers and got access to their bazaar in the Texas system. Seems they were pretty flush with materials already so I'll try back later. Hanging with the Junkers this evening, going to see if any are interested in what I have in the meantime. If not, I'll head back out later tonight and see if they've got more room for my wares...then it's back to Hudson for more hunting.
Ident. Jadyn "Grimwolfe" Giles Loc. & Date Bering, 13JUN834 Station Black Harvest Subject A New Life
The screen cuts on suddenly to Jadyn looking down at a pad in front of a control console. In the background, many other consoles blink with life. It would appear that he is in the command center of a large vessel.
It's been a minute since I've recorded something for posterity, figured it was time I stopped being lazy and got to it.
He sets the pad down on the console and looks to the camera. The red sheen in his pupils is back, albeit much less pronounced than in previous logs.
I've been keeping something from these logs with the concerns that it would be discovered should anyone crack my encryption. It was unlikely that would happen but it was better to err on the side of caution than to reveal anything ... shortly before the pulse, I was in a bad way living in Texas at the Junker installation there. I was attempting to drink myself to death without success when the Pulse happened, locking down gate travel. Now, as far as I was aware, Jump hole travel was still possible, so I could have left at any time, but with the gates losing their connections, it sent the general populace into a panic.
The console makes a sound and Jadyn looks down to it, beginning to focus on that while he continues his story for the log.
See, wealthy individuals only have their power and status for safety much of the time. How could anyone dare to harm them? If that happened, they would be in a world of hurt because the wealthy possess power, right?
He glances up at the camera with a menacing smile and returns to the console.
During my depressive state when Fahrenheit was fully active, and I believe malfunctioning, I lacked any real sense of emotion but I did feel despair. For a time, I believed it was because of my past but the more I examined that thought process, the more I came to realize that it wasn't just that my past haunted me, it was also because of what I had become. A Hunter hunting people who were the reflections of my younger self.
He chuckles lightly.
Now, I could have turned over a new leaf then and there. Become someone who tried to rehabilitate these criminals. Show them what had become of me and try to turn them back to the light but ... what would that achieve? Maybe it would finally give me the death I craved but at what cost. I would become a hypocrite. Instead, at that moment sitting in that bar, I realized that I had become the very thing I railed against for so many years as a Pirate. Maybe it was time to split the difference. Find some place in-between being a ruthless and twisted pirate and an upstanding Bounty Hunter.
He presses a button in finality and leans against the bulkhead on his right, continuing his story while looking into the camera.
So, like a vulture, I took advantage of the chaos the Pulse had caused. I rented a Gunboat and sat just inside the corona of the Texas star in order to mask my signal yet keep the ship's nanobots from being overwhelmed from the radiation. It took a few hours but eventually a Bustard drifted past. I did a passive long range scan and noted there were no weapons systems onboard and only passive transit shields meant to block any damages from passing meteorites while the ship was at Cruise. There were no escorts and no apparent defenses that would slow me down.
I had laughed to myself, even then. How could someone fly a ship like that, without protection? Who would be that stupid? A wealthy individual of course. Someone who believed that their status was enough that no one would dare to attack them. I engaged the thrusters in passive burst mode, allowing the gunboat to look like a passing piece of debris instead of a manned craft. As I got closer, I noted that the ship looked like it had never seen combat at all...possibly just a yacht for some wealthy idiot with no understanding of what it meant to swim through the vacuum of space where danger lurked around every corner. As the gunboat neared the Bustard's path, I engaged full burst Thrusters and landed in one of the open bays before they could react.
The reaction from the security teams onboard was swift but unpracticed and clumsy. I did my best to avoid any causalities. After all, I was here to take the ship, not lives. It had taken me a few hours of guerilla warfare but I had managed to overpower the security team. There had only been approximately ten to fifteen of them, but they were a very green security team without much real life experience. I did what I could to avoid any long term injuries and moved to the command deck.
As it turned out, this ship was the property of a wealthy Freelancer business man stationed at Houston and the current "captain" of the ship was his arrogant and spoiled 20 something year old son. The hubris of this little brat. He threatened me with punishments that he could not give out and used the influence of people he barely knew--including his own father. I threatened his cohorts with violence if he didn't shut up, indicating the friends that he had brought out on this little joyride. The little brat actually scoffed at me when I threatened a girl that clearly was in love with him. That's right, people like him use others as shields, he wouldn't do as I told unless his own life was threatened.
So I grabbed him by his long and overblown hair and dragged his ass to an airlock several bulkheads away and threw him inside. He changed his tune really fast as I was attempting to override the safeties to send him on a one way trip through the vacuum. The old me, would have done it anyway but ... well, I'm trying to find some balance remember?
He chuckles to himself, closing his eyes and shaking his head to himself.
I sent the lot of them, and the downed security team off the ship in shuttles bound for Beaumont Base. Those little rich brats would have the time of their lives at the Junker base and the Rogues there would just love some rich spoiled kids as ransom for their rich mommies and daddies.
I pointed the Bustard in the direction of Bering and jumped through the nearby hole. The ride was rougher than normal, I'm sure as a side effect of the Pulse that had knocked out gate travel. The ship remained in a very distant orbit of the local star until the heat died down. Honestly, I had forgot the ship even existed until I was reviewing my logs the other day and recalled that it had been sitting out there for over three years waiting on someone to come and use it. I was honestly surprised it was still there and hadn't been salvaged by some passing Junker that had found it by complete chance.
He looks around the command deck.
I need to do a lot of things. The ship has never been used in combat and many systems are missing. Not to mention the lack of maintenance when it was owned by those rich asshats and the time it has spent out here in the deep dark. I have a list of people I need to contact in the coming weeks. Hopefully, they will be able to help. I expect to pay a lot of resources to get it fully up and running but...
Ident. Jadyn "Grimwolfe" Giles Loc. & Date Manchester, 16JUN834 Station Open Space Subject Prices
The feed cuts to Jadyn behind the controls of a smaller craft this time.
The Black Harvest is moored at Cochrane with the Hackers. Hopefully they will be able to work their magic and get that registration changed or obfuscated. What's more, is they're doing it pro-bono for all my help with their Military Salvaging projects. Once that's done I should be able to fly the ship with impunity and without risk of making a mess of Liberty trying to escape. Would rather keep my options open as a Freelancer as far as contracts go. No sense screwing myself out of the gate.
Once the registration is taken care of, the next stop will be the Corsairs. I've heard from a few sources that there's a group there that focuses on engineering. They're going to be my next stop for the weapons systems. I'm sure the entire system will need to be overhauled to support their weapons--or any weapons for that matter. It doesn't matter, I'm flush with cash for the time being.
He banks hard, fires his weapons, and the front of his faceplate lights up. He chuckles.
Nothing like a few contracts to clear the head. More later.
He reaches forward and taps the camera to end the log.
Ident. Jadyn "Grimwolfe" Giles Loc. & Date Omicron Gamma, 19JUN834 Station Tripoli Shipyard Subject Sightseeing
Jadyn props the camera up on what appears to be a bar somewhere.
Welp, the registration was recoded thanks to the Hackers up in Ontario. They did excellent work, Chloe and her girls always do good work. I need to remember to deliver some Scrap their way as soon as I get the Black Harvest up and fully operational.
He glances up from his drink and looks around. The camera catches the red sheen behind his pupils again as if something is lurking behind them.
This place brings back memories. Tripoli always seems to be the same no matter what universe I'm in. The Corsairs as well. At least the Black Flag version of Marcus Scarman isn't alive anymore. Fucking psychopath...and that's coming from me.
He punctuates that last remark with jabbing his thumb into his chest.
Anyway, they're doing some surveys of the ship now to see what is actually needed to get the weapons systems up and running. Thought I might take the fighter out for some sightseeing while I'm here and explore Crete a bit if I'm allowed. Been a while since I've gone to Freeport 11 too...lots to do in the Omicrons.
We'll see.
He shrugs, downs his drink, and reaches forward to turn off the camera and end the log.
Ident. Jadyn "Grimwolfe" Giles Loc. & Date Omicron Delta, 06SEP834 Station Black Harvest Subject Stage 3 Complete
The camera opens to Jadyn looking over various schematics behind a large ships console.
Ships engines are completed. Hessians did an amazing job. It's no wonder, Rheinland engineering of any kind is always extremely well done. The engines are purring far better than they ever have since it came into my service. I'm pleased to say we can now make further treks than before.
We're preparing for Stage 4 now which requires us reaching out to the Unioners to investigate the hull degradation. Even after the reinforcements were done for the weapons' hardpoints, the lack of regular upkeep on the ship from it's past owners is quickly catching up. I'd rather not get caught with my pants down in a fight with another ship of equal size.
We're in Omicron Delta now on a short pit stop dropping a passenger off at Freeport 11, afterwards we'll be heading to Bering via Omega-55 and Vespucci. From there we will enter Kansas and pass through Liberty very briefly before arriving near Pacifica where we will contact the base for introductions and pricing.
Ident. Jadyn "Grimwolfe" Giles Loc. & Date Outskirts of Omicron Theta, 23JAN835 Station Black Harvest Subject Journey
The log opens up with Jadyn looking a bit more haggard than he has in previous entries. He's standing but bent over and resting his elbows on a communications console with his hands covering his face.
The Delta Jump hole destabilized during a transition to the system from Theta. Dropped us out into the void twixt the two systems. We've spent the better part of three months making the journey back to Omicron Theta. The Black Harvest has endured the journey just fine, but my crew has not. We're hungry, horny, and rightfully pissed off. Seems that a new route has opened up via Omicron Kappa of all places so we'll be heading there after we enter the system proper. The crew needs R&R, sins of the flesh, and alcohol. A fucking boat load of alcohol.
He stands up, the ever present red sheen to his pupils glowing in the dim light of the command deck.
Going to call ahead to Livadia Shipyard to expect us. Hopefully they have a berth open for us to moor at for overhauls, repairs, and restock while we're there. Then on to Delta like we intended three months ago. I hate space.
He snarls and punches a button on the console. As he does, the log ends.