A Tale of Two Giants Rheinland & Bretonia
Trade Event OVERVIEW
As summer closes, the Kingdom looks onwards to Inverness as its soon-to-be target, and begins rearming. As many lucrative deals have already been signed with Rheinland, the go-to is given to kickstart another major stepping stone to a future alliance, which will see a substantial amount of cargo delivered by each Houses' cargo ships and military ones the same.
Until the delivery of all goods listed in this attachment.
Transport ships belonging to the official factions only may participate, as per the communique to the Rheinland Government;
For the duration of the event, Rheinland Military Official Faction ships may escort Kruger or Daumann vessels completing this contract in Bretonia.
Each cargo batch has two factions per batch (i.e. Kruger/Bowex compete for the delivery of certain goods) and it is requested that factions stick to delivering only what is requested.
This event is meant to boost the Rheinland and Bretonia official factions and serve as the basis for further cooperation work between Bretonia and Rheinland post-patch.
The second part of this event has begun. Please refer to the relevant links for further information. Feedback is to be posted under this post, or in Discord in my PMs, or in forum PMs. Thank you and good luck.