SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: Battlegroup Ohio, Vespucci
RECIPIENT: Vespucci Insurgency remnants)
SUBJECT: A final offer
Soldiers of the Liberty Insurgency,
Your time has come. If you think the Guerrero Asteroid Cloud will be your last refuge, you are mistaken - we know where you are hiding and soon there will not be a single inch left. All these years you have chosen violence, but this is a moment to choose a different path. We've fought hard for our beliefs, but the time has come to consider another way forward. Surrender to the Liberty Navy, and we will offer you a chance at leniency. War takes a heavy toll on all of us. Lives are lost, destruction is rampant But there is an end if we choose it. Surrender is not a weakness; it's a chance for peace and a better future. Think about the lives we can save, the suffering we can stop, and the possibility of rebuilding our communities. The Liberty Navy is willing to be fair to those who surrender. This is an opportunity to be part of the solution, not the problem.
Forget about bolstering the Xeno terrorists, the abominable Auxesians who will make you lose your humanity. Forget about leaving this great house from which you came from. Liberty is your home, and it's time to come back.
It's time to do the right thing. Lay down your arms, take the offer of leniency, and let's work towards peace and prosperity. We have the power to change our future, to be on the side of justice and humanity. Make the choice today, and let's start the journey toward a brighter tomorrow.
To prove to you that you will be treated fairly, take the example of the Battlecruiser Angel Crew. They have seen through the blind rage of their commander Noah Angel, have abandoned the mad zealot and have chosen to live. Our staff have provided them with fair treatment and supplies and they will rejoin Liberty's society after they bravely take responsibility for their actions.
Follow their example, show heart and courage, and make this step towards a better Liberty
We have a war to fight so long as we draw breath and your vision of our future doesn't appeal me; what does appeal me is restless fighting until I crush your throat under my heel, and anyone who follows you. Anyone who left us to burn in the space and skies above Veracruz. Nothing you say or do will extinguish the flames of Hellfire Legion - it will live so long as there are people to carry the legacy of Thastus in their hearts. And there's plenty who do.
I will show you heart and courage, but not by the example these tired women and men show.
You may have won this battle, but the war have just begun.
I see that, as with the rest of your kind, you're completely deluded in your own grandeur. If you think that any of us still remaining expect leniency from jingoist invaders, who have routinely taken every opportunity to kill every man and woman in their way to get to where you stand today, combatant or no, you're as blind as you are stupid. Hell, I doubt your dipshit aboard the Delaware even knew what the word was when he charged in here like a maniac.
What's to stop your 'Republic' from executing anyone that lays down their arms, trial or no, hm? The Navy and LSF had no issue opening fire on refugee transports, so I doubt the war crimes would stop there. I'd much rather take my chances taking as many of you traitorous war criminals with me as possible.