From: Matthew J. Burns To: Chancellor Jac Yarwood Subject: Recommendations
Good evening, my old friend.
I have assumed administration over Connacht. We have nearly finished transferring equipment and crews from Garvagh, and now it is time to get our hands dirty.
We are fighting an uphill battle here, and I do not just mean the combat operations or the supply issues. To truly hurt BMM and cut them off from Dublin's riches, we have to find customers for our product and make them deal with us, rather than with the company. Ideally, we must go for ones that will align with our struggle, but anyone opposed to the Crown will do in the short term.
I have already sent communiques to our old friends at the IMG. I'm also aware that not everyone supports the conciliatory stance towards the Gaians, especially with their rumoured Corsair connections, but the potential to remove a threat from our neighbours and co-opt some of Green Front's funding for ourselves outweighs past grievances. Doubly so if we can work together against the Crown.
There are others who may be sympathetic to our cause. The Red Hessians may have become too caught up in the criminal underworld, but they were once miners. The Coalition should not be ignored either, but I am told Commander Harris is handling that.
Other Houses, rivals of Bretonia, should be considered as well. Kishiro Technologies is the largest producer of optronics, and they need gold, which we have. Perhaps they can be tempted with a lucrative offer. And as much as some might find working with Gallia distasteful, we may not have much choice. God knows we have few enough friends.
I will leave you to chart our course and determine our next course of action.