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Not trying to put him down, just warning him about the possible future. I did the same as him once and found out the hard way, it all goes in a circle in the end it seems.
at the end of the day 2 servers doin the same job will go now where so insted of argueing about this situation why dont u join disco uk un offical server? will make the admin team bigger and will put all our eggs in one basket meaning we will have abigger player base coz if u have players they will migrate to our server with u and we will al be happy ull have ur say in how things run and we will all have a uk based disco server that we all can enjoy as a comunity.
thanks for reading this sorry for spellin i have autisum.
Quote:Dragonlancer sings: 'Fly, fly, fly your ship, gently down the lane. Pay up, pay up, pay up the tax, or death is what you gain.'