Please leave any feedback you have regarding our faction here. Thank you and we hope to see you in space!
PS as of 25/02/2024: The current Das Wilde lore is incomplete, we'll get to wrap it up together with the story team. We hope you'll excuse us for this, but we want our lore to be more or less on par with the canon one.
Chenzo — Today at 22:33
So, what do I have to do to join?
Darius — Today at 22:35
Sorry, but due to your status in the community and after asking some people around, I'm afraid you won't be part of the faction. You are free to join our raids and such as an indie, however.
Thank you for popping in just a few moments after our talk in PMs.
Let me once again state the obvious; Das Wilde doesn't and won't have an open recruitment thread, we instead focus on getting new members via invites or via Discord apps on our server. These members are, however, still carefully vetted because the faction's primary focus is around roleplay and being an accurate representation of the canon group rather than some fanfic thrown around at random.
I have paid close attention to your recent roleplay on your Outcast character and while I must say I appreciate the activity, it is far from the quality we seek to have amongst members of the faction. I cannot and I will not tolerate people that completely disregard lore in this group and much as I've made my own members do two steps back before pressing silly claims on lore, I will make one step forward to deny your application at present.
Please don't take it as a personal grudge but instead use it to improve your roleplay down the line and I am certain we can come to an eventual agreement. Thank you for dropping by and I hope to see you in-game with us.