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Classification Protocol Stage - #945678354678-01
Classification Protocol Stage - #945678354678-01 will be as follows.
This protocol is CLASSIFIED, and is protected by Triple Hardened Security and is only to be shared within the Alliance.
Stage one of this classification is to cease all ties with any organisations or individuals who, initiate violence to the Alliance, or any sort of classification that warrants dismissal of all communications to the relevant parties.
This also will include relevant disapproval of our operations within the organisation or individuals sector of interest. Protocols will include relevant violence towards the Alliance whether it be to our technological vessels, or to our operatives.
Stage one of this protocol will also include the use of stealth capabilities within zones included in the classification. Rift drive technology will also be used to divert from any area under this classification, so as to make sure we reach our mission without complications.
Under classification protocols, more drones will be implemented so every aspect of this stage can be controlled and information can be gathered. Mainly this protocol will be initiated to make sure our objectives are met.
Classification Protocol Stage - #945678354678-02
This protocol is CLASSIFIED, and is protected by Triple Hardened Security and is only to be shared within the Alliance.
Classification Protocol Stage - #945678354678-02 is an entirely different approach to stage 1.
Stage 2 will include gathering as much information from areas that we have covered so far, and more. Also making sure detection is minimal, so as to correctly gather the information necessary.
Gathering information for specific purposes will be a main priority, and making sure the information is passed to the relevant parties or allies, and NOT leaked to anyone.
Classification Protocol Stage - #945678354678-03
This protocol is CLASSIFIED, and is protected by Triple Hardened Security and is only to be shared within the Alliance.
Classification Protocol Stage - #945678354678-03 is all about improving our drone setup, which will cost the operation some credits to achieve. This will be funded by our not so legal operators making runs with not so legal goods, undetected and under escort from relevant Reaper operatives who will be deployed if necessary to assist the situation and make sure it is succesful .
Relevant Law enforcement in certain regions are aware of our drone technology, and some are showing signs of either fear or just plain dumbness when approaching them. Relevant evasive protocols have been added to the drones aswell as development of more sophisticated scanning equipment. Drones will also proceed to gather their information regarding either entities who are unsure of us, or are not so sure how to take our approach.
Any entity who shows aggression wil be deemed as relevant to our diplomacy policy, and if required will be made hostile to our organisation. The drones do make it better regarding scout missions to seek routes and other means of delivering the said illegal goods, and this will be done going forward.
Classification Protocol Stage - #945678354678-04
Stage 4 classification has now been initiated and to say it has gone well is an understatement.
We have established the Artemis Stronghold and also another installation that at the moment is not mentioned here. Another installation will be secured very soon as long as I throw some money at the owners.
This classification protocol will be updated again very very soon, and more and better installations will be established.
Classification Protocol Stage - #945678354678-05
Stage 5 classification will be initiated after further discussion between upper command members - and drafted here once agreement has been made