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Over the last few years, multiple different ships have been in use. Ranging from ships that somehow achieved a flight-worthy certificate all the way to the ship that company was named after. A few years ago, one of the Starfliers took it upon themselves to create a better cartography vessel for themselves, unsuccessfully. With these plans sitting in a digital drawer, and a few months into the new leadership's tenure, an effort is being made to resurrect these plans and turn them into something more capable for the Starfliers. In a meeting room, connected the main hangar bay sits two people. One wears what's considered regular clothing when it's fair weather on Manhattan. The other wears a pristine lab coat, with their beard now reaching their second button.
"Halpert, can you tell me why this project was pursued?"
Albert raises his arms so his sleeves bunched up a little at the elbows, then his chin rests on his folded hands.
"Because I wanted a better ship."
"You were issued a "Kali"-Class vessel at the time. That was one of our standard ships."
A finger tap or two on a terminal pulls up a 3D wireframe model of the Kali. It spins slowly between the two.
"Do you know how bad those Zoners made that ship?"
"I do not."
"Let me tell you, it wasn't great. I sent a complaint directly to those religious guys in Baffin where my ship was issued from. They didn't like what I had to say."
"This makes two of us. It is not your job to start... what have other people described this as...? "Pissing people off." "
Halpert sighs.
"It is also not your job to move ahead with an unsanctioned research project. I saw the plans you had drawn up."
"Oh yeah? What'd you think?"
A duplicate hologram appears, side by side with the first. A line is drawn above the second and then travels over it, revealing a new ship.
"Archaic. This is why I called you here. To discuss... this."
The first hologram is minimized and the new vessel is enlarged. Both Halpert and Albert get a larger view of the ship, despite the hologram now obstructing the view of other.
"Yeah, well. That piece of shit Kali needed more. Love it to pieces, but being on the verge of falling to pieces doesn't sound or feel nice to fly in."
"These plans have been scrapped. I assume you did not put much thought into what I see here?"
"The hell? I don't remember, this was years ago, Albert. Probably not, why?"
"We are going to attempt to create a ship worthy of being called Vector. The project has been personally green lit by myself."
"Hooray, now it's formalized. Lovely. So where do we start from? The Kali? Since you have tossed by not-so-great plans in the bin."
"No. Your process to slim down an already existing vessel was the only thing I found to be interesting in your original plans. We are continuing to use this concept. However, we are starting elsewhere. With this."
The hologram has a thick red "X" placed on it and blinks a couple times. It vanishes and another vessel is brought into view. One Halpert has only seen and refuses to fly, but one Albert is all too familiar with - the "Corvo"-Class.
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For a brief moment, silence filled the room. Not due to any positive outcome, surprise or sudden news. Albert calmly looked over at Halpert, trying to figure out why his face was full of disgust.
"Respectfully, if that's a word I have to use here, why the fuck am I looking at this?"
"This is where we will start. After introducing Freighters into our fleet, they have accomplished a lot more than our Scoutscraft."
The terminal created another duplicate, this time, the line passing over the Corvo to reveal a Dromedary.
"Goddamn Freighters."
"What is your issue towards these vessels? They are very capable and adequate for our needs."
"They are slow as shit. That's why my plans had the ship go much faster than the Kali."
"Have you ever flown a Freighter?"
Halpert sighs.
"Will you ever fly a Freighter?"
"Hmm, I have a feeling you may change your mind with what I have to say next."
"Well? What is it?"
"Freighters are almost able to match the speed of current Scoutscraft. If we work on making a Freighter, and apply your reduction method to it, would you say that may interest you?"
"Still no, because I don't believe you."
"I assumed you would say that. Based on your stubbornness and unwillingness to fly anything other than a Scoutscraft, I can see how you do not want to change this."
"Alright, so is that it? You gave the green light to my project with your name on it, scrapped my plans and want to build a ship I don't want to fly?"
"I never said it had my name on it, I only personally approved it. I believe what I have in mind for this new ship, that you may show some interest in flying it. At this time though it appears you are a bit upset. So I will end this meeting short."
"Fantastic, Albert. You do you. I'll take the Pulsar back out there and let you know how much it doesn't need changing."
One big slam on the table, Halpert gets up and angrily walks out of the meeting room. Once his footsteps were heard down the corridor, the door was closed. Both holograms were pulled up side by side, with little infocards being displayed on each element of both ships. Albert took the next several hours to figure out how he'd build a ship Halpert would be happy flying. Because if he manages that, no one else would have an issue.
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The meeting doors open, Albert quickly walks in with an electronic device in his left hand. He fills in the only chair that's not been pushed under the meeting room table and connects his device to the holographic suite.
"How to make a Freighter out of this. This would be an easier process if Burton wasn't imprisoned..."
Listening to a recording of his meeting with Halpert was useful, noting down that his priorities with the exploration vessels is speed, and nothing but that. Albert takes a moment to revisit the Dromedary and Corvo, and notes down the aspects of both that he wants to see. A few hours later, multiple coffee orders and one big meal break in between, Albert has compiled some notes on what his ideal Compact Exploratory vessel is.
- Can cruise as fast as a Light Fighter (Only item from Halpert)
- Has an in-built Engine, Molecular Shield & Mining Laser
- Cargo capacity is sacrificed in order to allow for the above, result is 500 units
- No Offensive or Mine mounting points, only a countermeasure (To stay true to the Starfliers ideology)
- Power lines from the reactor are to fuel the internal and in-built systems
- Only equipment that can be changed (Pilot's choice) is are the Lights, Scanner and Thruster modules.
Visually, the ship has been designed to be a miniature version of the Corvo, swapping out the standard ARAPSS with a mining laser. Embodying the Starfliers operational needs within the one ship. As Albert has no idea if what he has put together is a cohesive idea when read by a shipbuilding team, a message has been sent to Deep Space Engineering for an assessment to be made on his plans.
If adjustments need to be made to the vessel (it's overall design visually) to accommodate the constraints the vessel requires, Albert would be amenable to this. With his work done, at least for now, the scientist returns to work on other ongoing projects. Further contact with DSE is needed to ensure that his plans aren't outright outrageous.
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This report contains the schematic of the "Vector"-Class Albert McKenzie has designed.
Access to this report can be granted only by Albert McKenzie of the Starfliers.