Welcome to Kherty's BBCode Proving Grounds. This is where I will test various things, Please do not mind, I am using this as a tool for roleplay purposes. And please, naturally, leave this be. Thank you very much for your cooperation. I will post about five posts so i can edit these and leave them be. As others do, so will I. I find it very useful, and could be a good exercise in writing in general, as I am rusted in general.
The objective is to determine a good, readable BBCode for each project. And projects will also be developed here.
Contents (links and other posts will be added as needed) - as of 23rd of Sept. 2024.
The trade lanes and the region around Planet Marseille and the Monte Carlo Freeport are considered safe pathways and safe zones. Currently, (as of 2nd of Oct.), the Toulon Mining Base is restricted only to GMS vessels due to live fire exercises (LFX) performed in the region around the base.
The Mer Méditerranée is a large nebula comprising almost half of the system's Galactic East and is one of the main touristic attractions of Provence.
However, note that the safety within the nebula is not guaranteed, and that entry beyond the initial 10K of the nebula is prohibited unless a license has been requested from the Unione Corse, which can be requested here.
The Provence System is also, as described by the Code of Provence, a demilitarized system. Neutrality is a principle upheld by the Government of Provence and by the Unione Corse. By default, the neutrality means that many actors, such as VNSA (Violent Non-State Actor(s)) hostile to the Gallic Union can access Provence - this is obviously unacceptable as the Provence System also forbids any kind of use of the installations and Marseille as a staging point against Provence and its subordinate forces, the Unione Corse, or the Gallic Union in general.
However, periodic, or temporary (less than a week) exceptions after rigorous examination of the mission of a ship that is not accepted, can be accepted by the PCCL, which can and needs to be requested here. Frigates are not forbidden.
There are currently three types of exceptions/licenses.
MMJH - Mer Méditerranée Jump Holes Authorization — This license is valid for 6 months and can be requested by anyone.
[font=Open Sans]Name:
Neutrality or friendliness proof (for each ship): >IMAGE WITH TIMESTAMP<
Reason for requesting the MMJH License (at least one (1) paragraph):
MMB - Mer Méditerranée and Beyond License — This license is valid for 6 months and can be requested by anyone. This license authorizes the ship designated (only one ship) to access the Mer Méditerranée (but no installation(s) or Jump Hole(s) that may or may not be present). This license is generally advised for tourists and researchers.
[font=Open Sans]Name:
Neutrality or friendliness proof: >IMAGE WITH TIMESTAMP<
Reason for requesting the MMJH License (at least one (1) paragraph):
PCCL - Provence Capital-Class License — This license's validity is depending on the mission of the vessel (whether passing through; one trip, or up to a week). This license authorizes the ship designated (only one ship per request) to access the Provence system. It is destined for Capital-Class ships that are forbidden to access the system.
[font=Open Sans]Name:
Neutrality or friendliness proof: >IMAGE WITH TIMESTAMP<
Reason for requesting the PCCL (at least one (1) paragraph):
Operations planned: (EXAMPLE):
[*]Entering from the Ile-de-France Jump Gate
[*]Docking on Planet Marseille on the [MM/DD/YYY]
[*]Purchasing Luxury Consumer Goods
[*]Moving and docking on Monte Carlo Freeport
[*]Leaving via the Languedoc Jump Gate on the [MM/DD/YYY] (up to a week).
• Recipient: Bretonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Sender: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Source: Planet Marseille, Provence
• Subject: Normalization of relations
Your Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, greetings,
I am Guardianu Giulia Antonia, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Provence, and I contact you on behalf of the Unione Corse and Provence.
As you know, the relations between the Gallic Union and Bretonia are not the best. We are keenly aware of the extent of the damages past desires of a past Royalty have done to your House, and to Sirius as a whole. But I am not here as an hostile or a lukewarm diplomat - I extend to you my warm greetings, and the warm greetings of the people of Provence to the people of Bretonia.
We are currently enjoying our autonomy within the Union to enforce our neutrality - we have no enemies except the Outcasts and the Gaians. The Provence system is a demilitarized system that is a touristic destination for all of Sirius and we intend to keep it this way.
Regardless, Your Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, I am contacting you about the normalization of our relations. Through the normalization of our relations, we will be able to advance, especially with the current threats in the Tau sector, which we both borders, and that our mutual friendly polity, the Crayter Republic, also is within the range of the threats present within the Tau sector, and as I said - normalizing the relations between Marseille and New London will be an excellent first step toward the protection of our people. Not only will it give way to the accomplishment of cooperation, but also open the trade between Marseille and Bretonia.
The Provence Ministry of Foreign Affairs eagerly awaits your reply,