Task Force Prometheus is a well organized and small but growing force who have taken up the banner of the Hellfire Legion in their struggle to restore the Commonwealth of House Liberty, a small nation in the independent worlds who styled themselves as an alternative to the Republic of Liberty. The Commonwealth was dissolved and its leaders detained, killed, or gone to ground following the absorption of the Hellfire Legion into the Liberty Insurgency. During this time, many citizens of the Commonwealth fled Vespucci and Kansas to Erie, still relatively free from the Republic. More still would flee when the Insurgency fell to the hands of the Delaware and Ohio battlegroups in 829 A.S, and the remnants of their once proud defenders in the Legion scattered to the winds as the Insurgency's command structure came apart.
Almost half a decade later, these remnants now gather under a reunified leadership, unwilling to allow the Republic to continue unchecked in their continued conquest of Pennsylvania and the independent worlds, and determined to free their people from the camps established on Erie.
In joining Prometheus, you'll effectively be flying for an unlawful military. We aren't pirates, we shoot those. We're separatists at war with the navy, so those get shot too. All in all, you'll be joining a faction where you're fighting both in and out of roleplay against the odds. This isn't for the thin skinned nor faint of heart, so consider whether you're up for the challenge before you put in your application.
With that said, Prometheus will offer you roleplay and pvp opportunities not often found on the server. You'll receive real training, join experienced veterans and new players alike to roleplay and fight side-by-side with, and overall have the chance to be a part of something larger than yourself, both in and out of roleplay. If this style of play sounds right for you, then we encourage you proceed with your application following the steps below.
When joining Prometheus, you're first and foremost creating a character, a human being with motivations and history. Not just a ship with guns on it. As such, your app is expected to contain at least one full paragraph of 4-5 sentences explaining your character's background and motivations under the reason for enlisting section of the app template.
To help with that, we've listed a few different backgrounds or features that TFP pilots might have in common. You can use these as inspiration or a starting point for your own creation:
You're a Libertonian citizen uncomfortable with the state of the Republic and the actions they've undertaken in the last several years.
You're a former Legionnaire or Insurgent who went into hiding following the Fall of Vespucci.
You're a displaced Commonwealth refugee who fled somewhere other than Erie, or managed to avoid the camps.
You're a simple pirate who wants to give up their life of freebooting for a more noble cause.
You're a disenchanted Navy officer who can't live with the Republic's bombing of Guadalajara or their treatment of Commonwealth refugees.
You're a Zoner Militant who doesn't believe that the fight will end at Erie, and wants to throw in with a larger movement.
You're a Technocrat who wants to take the fight to the enemy now that Liberty is at Auxo's doorstep.
You're a Crayterian who doesn't approve of the direction your government has taken in effectively becoming a puppet state of Liberty.
ALL applicants must read the TFP faction information post, with special attention paid to the Faction Rules & Conventions.
Prospective applicants must then fill out the questionnaire. Without having read the faction information post, it's unlikely that you'll be able to answer properly.
Upon completion of the questionnaire, applicants will make their recruitment post in this thread using the Application Template provided below.
Date of Birth:
Professional Experience:
References if any:
Reason for Enlisting:
OOC Section
Discord Username:
If accepted, you'll be granted the appropriate roles in the Discord, and any fellow Legionnaire will be happy to assist you in setting up your first ship and showing you the ropes!
Name: Finn Collins
Date of Birth: Feb 3, 804AS
Citizenship: Liberty
Professional Experience: Former LPI
References if any: NA
Reason for Enlisting: To get back at Liberty for blackballing career.
Name: Zach Rollins
Date of Birth: 03/28/780 AS
Citizenship: Liberty
Professional Experience: Former Liberty Navy fighter pilot
References if any: N/A
Reason for Enlisting: Task Force Prometheus is the only way how to purge the current and corrupted government, and how to repay you my sins against the Hellfire Legion and state.