Good evening, I am sure that all of you have heard by now that your previous executives have been replaced. I am now the head executive, or CEO. Everyone here can call me "C.Man" if you choose, but I go by "Cruikshank." Anyhow, the Builders have been paid quite a lot, and I assume they will be way into retirement. Therefore, a select few who have taken these positions will be in charge for day-to-day operations here from now on.
Anyways enough rambling from me, use the format below to send any communications. I know it may be a bit old, or "old school" as some say but we don't have the best tech around here. Something more suitable will be arranged at some point, but for now use the following template, thank you and have a nice day.
[table][tr][td][size=25]Informational Data Sheet[/size][/td][/tr][td][color=#808080][align=left][font=Courier Prime][size=15]
Sender ID: ***Placeholder***
Ranking: ***Placeholder***
Receiver ID: ***Placeholder***
Location: ***Placeholder***
Facial Recognition: ***Placeholder, keep the word "None" if you have no image and keep current image, replace current image if you have one with the size of 310 by 310***
Cipher Status: ***Placeholder***[/color][/size][/align][/font]
[color=#808080][align=center][font=Courier Prime][size=12]***Placeholder, main text goes here***[/color][/align][/font][/size]
[spoiler=Following Attachments]None[/spoiler]
Good morning everyone, this is the morning announcement towards all unoccupied ship captains, crew, and staff. We have recently acquired two new vessels from outside sources for anyone interested in taking job's while flying them. The ships in question are a heavy class miner and a "Serenity" classed transport. With these vessels, taking jobs and doing work will be much more efficient and effective from these additions. If there are any takers, signable contracts of official ownership will be available in our administration office.
Greetings and salutations, today we will be receiving some new equipment to make communications a bit more "standard" and to slowly fix our recent camera issues. As you can see with a new working camera for example, you can see me, hello! Anyway, we will soon revamp communications so they will be easier to use and much clean looking, don't want everything all in grey now do we? So to fix this, I would like to ask any staff, captain, and even ship crew to cast a vote at our office of what you would like our "theme" to be, mostly color, but other thoughts will be welcome. I'll direct this to the board as well soon enough, take care everyone, Cruikshank out.