Bonjour, Mesdames et Messieurs, bonjour monsieur Van den Hoek.
My name is Nicola LaChapelle. Appearently, our sudden appearence has left some open questions. Allow me to introduce ourselves properly. I am the production manager of EFL Oil & Machinery and leader of EFL's new Provence initiative. Our project's goals are to bring economic variety and opportunities to the people of Provence. For this reason, we have decided to construct Corte Station, near IDF's Cannes Resort. The Station is fully staffed by citizens of Planet Marseille, meaning one of our goals allready has brought promising results. Unfortunately, as I have been kindly informed by Captain Van den Hoek of the warship Pasquale Paoli, there has been an oversight or misunderstanding by our legal département. We were informed that a formal announcement of intend to build a base was optional, when in fact, it was not. I apologize for any inconvinience this may have caused. Naturally, EFL Oil & Machinery will take full responsibility for this, and we will pay any fines that may come up as a result of this situation.
We do hope sincerely, that your government will allow us to proceed with out base construction and our Provence initiative. If there are any open questions remaining, do not hesitate to call me directly!
Nicola LaChapelle
Production Management
EFL Oil & Machinery
• Recipient: Nicola LaChapelle, Administrator of Corte Station
• Sender: The Unione Corse / Department of Acquisition and Trade
• Source: Department of Acquisition and Trade, Porto-Vecchio, Planet Marseille, Provence
• Subject: RE: A proper introduction
Bonghjornu Madame Nicola LaChapelle,
We apologize for the long delay. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Your base has been preemptively added to the list of Modular Installations (since the 27th of January 751 A.G.S.), and the subsequent certification.
Your installation, as explained in the document here, fits all the prerequisites for the deployment of the Modular Installation, and has been legitimate since its construction. Even if this Modular Installation was built before getting our direct authorization, it is no issue. No need to worry as well - we are glad to finally participate economically with EFL Oil & Machinery within Provence.
Therefore, please find the Modular Installation certificate, attesting of its legitimacy within Provence. For future Modular Installations, if the need be, please note that it is required to present the project to the Unione Corse, the Dept. of Acquisition and Trade, or Government of Provence (all three recipients work) before proceeding with the construction, as explained in this document.
If you require any help with your Modular Installation, please tell us. Also please note that the current status of Provence is peaceful, and thus no Weapons Platforms' construction and operations is authorized. Please make sure to review periodically if we post a message about a hypothetical state of emergency, in which Modular Installations will be authorized to build and maintain Weapons Platforms for the duration of the state of emergency, as explained in the threads linked supra..
Yours sincerely,
Department of Acquisition and Trade
Dipartimentu di Acquistu è Cummerciu Porto-Vecchio, Planet Marseille, Provence