• ID :Yu Takeyama • Vessel :The Mount Lady • Location :Kyushu System • To :Golden Chrysanthemums - Hanazakari • Subject :New Maldives Administrator Tribute • Encryption :High • Signal Strength :Medium • Video :On • Audio :On • Text :Subtitled
Konnichiwa Golden Chrysanthemums.
My name is Yu Takeyama,
Mistress Hanazakari we met yesterday while you were on a patrol. I am the New Head Administrator of the Maldives Luxury Liner and I bring my respects and wish to pay tribute to the Golden Chrysanthemums.
I understand there is a understanding between OS&C and G.C and in honour of this and my transition to a position of power over my previous male predecessor I wish to celebrate this and our good relations with you by bringing you this tribute at this festive time of the year.
[ Security Camera 17 : Active ]
As you can see here from one of my patched security feeds from inside my ship I have collected drinks from around all known space and wish to deliver you this selection to use in however you please and maybe even share a bottle or two with you.
Please let me know if and where I may deliver this tribute.
Yu Takeyama
Head Administrator of The Luxury Liner Maldives
Sub-Director & Division Head of Orbital Network Express
Captain of the Mount Lady
Orbital Spa & Cruise
Again, the name is Ikeda Yume, Hanazakari is the gunboat designation.
You are correct that we have a certain understanding with the OS&C, specifically with the Chairwoman. Yunoki-san in particular seems to benefit from this arrangement and the rest of the GC condones this. In rough terms, the OS&C functions as a supply line for luxury food and beverages, and in return we provide safe passage. But to be absolutely clear, this also means OS&C does not carry what we deem contraband, such as competing drugs, artifacts or stabiline - basically anything that is detrimental to our organisation.
We accept your offering, and please drop it off at Noshima dock 7. One of ours will stand ready to receive the shipment.
• ID :Yu Takeyama • Vessel :The Mount Lady • Location :New Tokyo System • To :Golden Chrysanthemums - Hanazakari • Subject :New Maldives Administrator Tribute • Encryption :High • Signal Strength :High • Video :OFF • Audio :OFF • Text :ONLY
Konnichiwa Onna-musha Ikeda Yume,
Ikeda Yume , Please excuse my miss spoken statement I was just so impressed with the prowess of your vessel the Hanazakari that the name stuck in my head, how foolish of me my apologies.
Hai as Head Administrator of the Maldives it is my honour to continue assurance of this arrangement. No such contraband will be tolerated here.
We are underway from Kyushu and passing through New Tokyo currently we will arrive just after nightfall to Noshima.
Hai dock 7 it will be so.
Wishing you pleasant festivities at this years end and shared hope for a fruitful business relationship in the coming new year.
Yu Takeyama
Head Administrator of The Luxury Liner Maldives
Sub-Director & Division Head of Orbital Network Express
Captain of the Mount Lady
Orbital Spa & Cruise