ID:Cryer Pharmaceuticals Affiliation:Cryer Pharmaceuticals Base of operations:Syracuse Station,Colorado Tag:[-Cryer-]
Faction Description:
Cryer Pharmaceuticals is a Sirius wide company dedicated to medical research, be it in the forms of cures to diseases or treatments to stave off the side affects of harmful narcotics. Their most (in)famous product is Stabiline, an expensive synthetic pharmaceutical that combats the worst effects of Cardamine withdrawal, such as an untimely demise.
While their medical research and services have etched out a valuable niche in the markets of Sirius, Cryer has recently set their aims on Gallia. The rumored incursions of Outcasts into Gallic space mean that Stabiline will soon find profitable grounds in the previously hostile sector.
Following the destruction of Atka Station in the Sigmas, Cryer has embraced far stricter security measures both inside and outside of House space. Military vessels used for escorts are not uncommon and the beloved large scale transports seen throughout Sirius have been traded in for battle transports and heavily armed liners. The company has presented these changes as a noble sacrifice on the side of the company, bearing greater expenses to ensure the people get their oh so needed medical care, unfortunately this also meant the prices of their products and services had to be increased as well. A change that has been most favorable for Cryers profit margins.
While Cryer Pharmaceuticals enjoys a positive reputation throughout the Houses of Sirius, there are some individuals that rumor the operations of the company are merely a front to mask their more clandestine projects in the edge worlds and Omicrons. Claims of human experimentation, genetic research and powerful viral agents have been all but dismissed as unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and have thus far done little to harm the reputation of Cryer in the public eye.
Little is known what actually happens in the high security sections of Cryers bases, though prisoners (Outcasts in particular) that are transferred there for ‘treatment’ are rarely heard from again. Diplomacy: Hostiles: