Good day to you, I'm Edwin Pennybrooke. You may recognize my name from a shares purchase by Pennybrooke Travel Ltd., that would be my company.
As the name suggests, it's a passenger flight and touring business. A modest one with just a single liner, but she's a very special vessel indeed, having taken clients to and from the farthest reaches of the sector for some fifteen years now.
Which brings me to the topic at hand. There's an upcoming business convention on Baden-Baden, "Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry 835", going from January 15th-20th. A dreadfully boring-sounding topic if I'm to be quite honest, but I'm told it's a major affair and I'd expect a company with your profile would send at least a couple delegates over.
As a shareholder, I'd like to proffer my liner Renaissance as transport and accommodation for the duration. We could offer regional day trips between events, and a locale to mix & mingle for those attendants more at home in space than planetside.
My liner would certainly be an attention-grabber of a vessel to arrive in, one of very few Gloriette-classes in existence, the commercial variant of the royal Bretonian Palace-class, and to my knowledge the only one in private hands. It would provide an environment a little closer to the edge, a little more spice and sense of adventure than your typical Spa and Cruise experience, and at a lower price point.
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Jess Geller, Owner & Commodore; Philadelphia Office
LOCATION: Red Rock Refinery, Colorado
SUBJECT: Hiring the Rennaisance
Howdy there Mr. Pennybrooke.
As you may recall, we added your ship to the approved internal listin' of work travel vessels. Unfortunately for you, the VIPs have been whizzin' around Liberty, and couldn't justify the pricepoint. However, I understand that our connections have already secured you some custom from our sister organizations. And now, you're about to get a lot more, this time from way up on the top, if you catch my meanin'.
The Boss needs to travel to Bretonia in sufficient style, but with substantial discretion. I've done some checkin' of your company, and you folks should fit the bill nicely. The date ain't set in stone just yet, but I'd suggest cancelling any commitments you've got for the start of the month. In preparation for the trip, my team and I will personally interview yourself and your crew. We will also go over the security arrangements of your vessel, and augment them as necessary.
If you agree to the above conditions, a contract will be comin' your way within the week. It goes without sayin' that you'll be well-compensated for your time and discretion. Between you and me, whatever you're thinkin' - double it. The suits will pay.
One last thing. Breathe a word of this to anyone, and you best not show your face in Liberty ever again.